
4 Zodiacs Who Deserve To Be Pampered This Weekend (Nov. 18-20)

Winter is blowing in like crazy (or our lucky babes in the southern hemi are getting their first peak of summer) and after this long week there are a few zodiacs who really need the time to rest and relax. The tired ache in your solar plexus? That’s your need for a PSL and a hot bath. You deserve it, loves.


You have a hard time admitting that you need to rest. And let someone pamper you? Forget about it. You’d rather quietly waste away than accept help. But hear me out: Maybe you deserve some rest, relaxation, and support just as much as everybody else. Crazy concept, I know. So this weekend, if someone in your life happens to offer to help you out, buy you a coffee, draw you a bath, ignore the part of your brain that urges you to say “nope, I’m fine.” You can be fine and treated like a queen at the same time. You deserve it, our Ram Queen.


Part of your weekend pampering has to include shutting off your overly loud brain. I know, easier said than done, right? But you owe yourself some of the mindfulness that comes from just letting go of all that ick. Include meditation if you can swing it (I know not everyone can get to the free-mind stage), or spend extra long in corpse pose at the end of some restorative yoga. Whatever it is, release all that bad stuff that you’ve been storing up all week. Oh, and don’t forget a good massage, too. Loose muscles and some skin-on-skin contact? Yes, please.


Pampering might look a little different for you than the other signs on this list. If it helps, you could make a to-do list for the weekend, but instead of (or in addition to, more likely) doing laundry or clearing out your pantry, you could add self-care stuff to the menu. Just think of the benefits. A face mask helps your skin. A massage makes you more limber. Breakfast in bed is crumb-free if you eat carefully. Listen, I know you have stuff to do, but that’s exactly why you’re on this list. You need to be pampered precisely for the fact that it takes so much just to get you to slow down a little bit. Cut yourself some much-needed slack.


Take a break from supporting everyone around you by treating yourself with the same amount of care. You know what would sound good? Hot cocoa, a hydrating face mask, and trashy TV. Now that’s the pampering our favorite Pisces deserves. Maybe you could throw in some gossip over a decedent dessert. Sounds nice, huh? If you don’t have anyone in your life who’ll make these things happen for you (I give you permission to riot if you don’t), you can always set up a weekend pampering for yourself. Someone else might get it all wrong anyway.