4 Zodiacs Who Feel Underappreciated This Week (August 14 – 20)

It’s such a letdown when you work so hard and it feels like you’re the only one who ever notices. You’ll have a breakthrough at work but your boss is MIA. You keep your household running smoothly, but does anyone ever say, “Thank you?” All those little moments where you’re left forgotten add up over time until you finally brim over with an intense feeling of underappreciation. For the following four zodiac signs, you’re feeling particular underappreciated this week. Send someone this article to let them know they need to make it up to you.


You’re not really the type to make a big deal when you achieve something. You stay quiet when you get top sales or when you finally paint the bathroom. But that’s just because it feels boastful. It doesn’t mean as much when you have to ask someone to praise you. Unfortunately, people in your life haven’t been noticing all those little things you’ve been doing. You can keep them to yourself and eventually get bitter, or you can sing some of your own praises and let them know how amazing you are. While the latter will get you more praise, it’s also tiring to always have to advocate for yourself.


Are you actually underappreciate by the people in your life, or does it just feel that way? Unlike some of the other zodiac signs, you need a lot more praise in order to feel like you’re being noticed by the people in your life. Lately, there’s been a lull in attention for you. Have they forgotten about the fun get-together you hosted recently? Or have they not noticed how cool your new haircut is? Regardless of whether or not it’s deserved, you’re feeling underappreciated this week. Maybe some time to focus on self-care will go a long way toward centering yourself again.


This is a common feeling for you. You’re so good at getting things done, you have your own way of doing things, so you just do it all yourself. Unfortunately, the people in your life have gotten comfortable with the imbalanced workload. While they might have thanked you in the beginning, now they just go with the flow that you’ve created. Sure, you could go extreme with it and cease all of your chores to “show them” how much you actually do, but when has being petty actually solved anything?


You work so hard. You’ll work overtime without being asked, and then you’ll go home and find more work to do. Sitting still just isn’t in your vocabulary. Unfortunately, that can mean that you go underappreciated because you’re doing far more than you should. No one is working as hard as you because they have a better work/life balance. Working yourself into the ground isn’t exactly something to be praised. So rather than working hard and hoping someone notices, lead by example and start appreciating yourself enough to know when you need a break.