4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Set Up For Failure But Will Come Out On Top
People see your strength, Virgo, and decide you don’t need the same support as your peers. Instead of thinking about how much farther you’d get with the right tools, they count on you to build your own, while focusing on those you don’t have your grit. It’s infuriating and isolating, and it’s no wonder you like to operate independently as a result. The only person you can count on to treat you fairly is you. But when you inevitably win the race, despite being made to take the longer, rockier path, you won’t have to share you laurels with anyone. You won’t have to thank anyone who didn’t actually help you along the way. Once you prove everyone wrong, you have every right to rub it in their faces.
People assume you don’t care, Scorpio, that you’re not invested or won’t be disappointed if things don’t work out. They assume that you always have something bigger and better to move on to, and that you don’t feel the weight of a life’s regular losses. But you do. You really, really do, and it can feel so lonely having no one to reach out and comfort you because they automatically assume you’re okay. You will get through this, and you will find the people who see your softer side. The ones who don’t jump to the wrong conclusions. The ones who know how to treat your gentle soul. And they’re the ones worth opening up to, worth giving your time. You’re a great judge of character.
Leo, people think you don’t take anything seriously. They assume you’d rather be out partying than putting in the work, and so they never give you a fair shot to prove them wrong. They don’t take the time to ask about your goals or your vision, because some small part of them is insecure and jealous. Assumes that people only gravitate to you for superficial reasons instead of your upstanding character and magnetic intellect. You will leave these people in the dust, Leo. You will show them who you are and what you are capable of. And they will be left regretting the mistake of choosing not to be your friend. Because you lift up everyone around you as you ascend to the top.
Taurus, you’ve been set up for failure by nature of your self-sufficiency. Everyone ‘sees’ the life you’ve built for yourself and assumes you have everything. That your clothes, your home, your car, your possessions all equate to perfect bliss. But no one knows how hard you struggled to build this life. No one knows about any of the obstacles you’ve overcome or the pain you’ve suffered. They see the superficial and stop there, never probing toward the depths of who you are. But you will find a way to tell your whole story, to share the true details of your success, and inspire others to push past their challenges. You will be a beacon of hope to those who want to follow in your footsteps.