Azra Tuba Demir

4 Zodiacs Who Have Imaginary Fights With Their Partner In Their Heads

Arguments are a natural part of any relationship. You’re bound to have problems with your partner, especially if you’re together for long enough, but that’s okay as long as you hear each other out and treat each other with kindness and respect. Of course, tension is never comfortable — and some signs handle it worse than others. Here are some zodiacs who have imaginary fights with their partner in their heads:


Libras cannot stand confrontation because they want everyone to get along all of the time — but that’s not the way relationships work. There are bound to be arguments and disagreements, and it’s important to be honest when they occur. However, Libras have trouble accepting this harsh truth. Instead of actively expressing their feelings to their partner, they will imagine how the conversation would go if they actually said the words out loud. It’s cathartic for them to blurt out everything that they’ve been bottling up inside — even if it’s only in their imagination.


Virgos have a tendency to overthink, so they are going to spend ages thinking through exactly what they want to say to their partner before they speak the words aloud. After all, Virgos are excellent communicators, and this is particularly because they put so much thought into everything that comes out of their mouth. They aren’t going to blurt out their frustrations without phrasing it properly because they understand that words can hurt. They know that there’s a gentle way to express an opinion and a harsh way — and they would never want to take the harsh route and end up hurting their partner more than necessary.


Cancers have a bad habit of jumping to the worst-case scenario. Whenever the smallest thing goes wrong, they will worry that their partner is secretly cheating or is planning on leaving them. Their paranoia makes them nervous something is bound to go horribly wrong soon, even if the relationship has been perfect on paper. Since this sign has such a vivid imagination, they are going to spend a lot of time having fake arguments with their partner in their heads. They might even imagine fake breakups. However, it’s not because they expect this to happen. It’s because they have trouble accepting the good things in their life and are terrified their person is going to get ripped away soon.  


When a Scorpio is upset, they aren’t able to think about anything else. They become preoccupied with the thought of the person who hurt them. So if you end up on the bad side of this sign, you can trust that they’re going to spend a lot of time thinking about all of the things that they want to say to you. They will play out arguments in their head on a loop. However, they might never actually say these words to you because Scorpios are the type to cut you out without warning. Although fighting with you might make them feel better, they feel like it’s healthier to simply cut you out and never speak to you again.