4 Zodiacs Who Have The Gentlest Souls (But May Seem Toxic At First)

Some Zodiac signs have a reputation for having certain toxic or even narcissistic qualities that may not be founded. Although we can’t ever say that’s always the case on an individual basis, since anyone can be narcissistic or toxic regardless of their sign and we can never label someone just based on their sign alone, it is helpful to look at the stereotypes of certain signs and uncover what really may be going on beneath the surface in some cases to differentiate between truly toxic or narcissistic traits (such as a lack of empathy and entitlement) and more innocuous behaviors that do not harm others and could actually be considered strengths in certain contexts. 


Due to your prickly and secretive exterior, you’re often dubbed dark, uncaring, and mysterious by onlookers when, in reality, it is usually because you’re simply protective over your heart and energy. Empathic people with Scorpio placements had to develop tough armor to survive because they grew up constantly going through cycles of transformation, spiritual death and rebirth. People have no idea how exhausting and draining life is for you on a daily basis, or the adversity you’ve faced or the strength you had to develop just to endure and overcome all the challenges you did. Your secrecy is warranted and so is your self-protection and naturally distrusting nature, Scorpio. Those who judge you prematurely could actually learn a lot from you about how to set healthy boundaries. Yet when you trust someone enough to let them in, you are fiercely loyal, generous, and loving. You are the first one to step up to the plate and protect the most vulnerable people in this world. Deep down, you can have one of the gentlest and most loving souls beneath your tough exterior — so long as you have empathy for others. It just takes time for people to gain access to that part of you because life has taught you to never let your guard down and be vulnerable. You also have penetrating insights into the intricacies of human nature and see beyond people’s masks — this can frighten actually toxic people and narcissists, causing them to lash out and project their own characteristics onto you. People who are empathic and have Scorpio placements have a tendency to hold people accountable and be the ones who call narcissistic and toxic people out. This is why even the most empathic Scorpios may wrongly be labeled toxic because you hold bullies responsible in a world that seeks to coddle them — in fact, you tend to serve as their karma


Ah, Leo. You’re stereotyped as one of the more grandiose and self-focused signs and some may unjustly say you have a bit of an ego. This stereotype, however, does not do your character justice and does not capture your full complexity. Nor does your ability to shine translate into truly narcissistic or toxic behaviors like treating people with cruelty or callousness, since you tend to be kind and warm. Empathic people with Leo placements still possess and practice exquisite empathy for others, have vibrantly generous souls, and actually take genuine joy in entertaining others and making people happy with their personalities, endless jokes, optimistic advice, and clever wit. People can mistake your hard-earned confidence and cockiness as arrogance when, in reality, you often have the achievements and hard work to back up everything you say and have usually benefited so many people with your gifts. Sure, you may love the glow of the spotlight (ruled by the Sun, it is where you were meant to be, after all!) but you use it to spread cheer, joy, fun, positivity, and vital knowledge in a dark and stormy world of chaos and gloom. You genuinely love uplifting people and inspiring them to live out their full potential. You are the vibrant life of the party when the world needs some color to keep spinning. Just be wary not to hog the spotlight too often and balance out your ability to move the masses with conscientiousness and compassion. 


Your multifacetedness can be mistaken for duplicity at times, Sagittarius. People may think you’re playing a role because you wear so many hats effectively, but you’re one of the “realest” signs there is, and one of the most authentic and complex. You’re the party animal intellectual who loves making people laugh yet simultaneously you’re the philosophical centaur who shares profound wisdom about the meaning of life throughout your numerous travels and adventures (both around the world and in developing your rich inner life). Your wanderlust and craving for novelty can make you one of the more noncommittal signs and cause you to be more open to taboo forms of exploration that can raise some eyebrows. However, so long as that exploration isn’t done at the expense of anyone else or hurts others, you’re good to go. While it may be the case that some people with your sign do indeed have toxic traits and behaviors, empathic people with Sagittarius placements tend to be some of the gentlest souls in the planet. They are fun-loving, endearing, adventurous, generous and expansive. They will always lend a helping hand and protect you from harm. Ruled by blessed Jupiter, they will multiply your good luck and be your lucky charm with their own immense fortune. 

For an empathic Sagittarius person, if they are impulsive and feisty, it’s usually because they’re reacting to something outrageous done to them first. You may have a hot temper at times, causing you to aim your bow and arrow at those who’ve harmed you, but people rarely acknowledge the long-standing patience and grace you exhibit before you ever get to that point of no return, as it is often a result of a manipulator constantly provoking you. You are willing to match energy when needed, which is why certain people might unfairly judge you without acknowledging the fact that there was an original instigator starting trouble for you in the first place. Nonetheless, the key is to use your fiery spirit to set boundaries with toxic people, balance your exploration with continued empathy, and channel your adversity into wisdom and success that benefits the world. 


Cancer, some people may label you as automatically manipulative when it comes to how you use your emotions to micromanage others. It is a pervasive stereotype that Cancer placements weaponize their sensitivity to engage in pity ploys or persuade people to do their bidding. Some very well may do so, if they are toxic! But every Cancer is different and for genuinely empathic Cancers, your emotions are never employed to be manipulative at all but rather are just too overwhelming for you to keep to yourself — so, at times, you end up showering them onto others who unfortunately don’t have the bandwidth to deal with them. You may even be targeted by narcissistic people because of your emotional depth and empathy. Your emotional intensity can feel like too much for more emotionally distant people. On the other hand, it can make you an empathic friend and lover when you use it to connect with people while maintaining healthy boundaries. You have a sharpened intuition that allows you to make accurate predictions about the future and gives you keen insights into the true motives of people which can spook them. This can lead to heightened anxiety for you because you often sense what’s about to happen before it even occurs and struggle to communicate your intuitive insights to people who just don’t get it or aren’t willing to learn or who shun and scapegoat you for revealing the truth about the wolves in sheep’s clothing around you. Remember to be mindful of grounding yourself and engage in self-soothing so you don’t hand over the responsibility of managing your emotions to other people, and let your gentle soul continue to guide you on your path to healing yourself and others. 

The Big Picture

Anyone can be narcissistic or toxic. It is helpful not to label anyone by their sign but rather observe their long-term behaviors. If they have empathy and are not manipulative, certain traits that are stereotyped as weaknesses can flourish as strengths. It’s all about how we use these traits to uplift ourselves and others.