4 Zodiacs Who Have The Power To Transform Their Lives This Weekend (August 11 – 13)
Some of us float along in life, going where the flow takes us. Others like to be in charge of what happens to them, what path they take to their ideal future. Whichever way you choose, it’s important to know that you have the power to manifest what you want in life. For the following four zodiac signs, that’s especially true this weekend. Are you going to make your dream life happen, bit by bit?
You’re one of the most powerful signs of the zodiac, purely because you go after what you want. You figure why have dreams if you don’t make them a reality? The problem is that you don’t always focus that energy. Because you lead with your whims, some projects get abandoned in favor of any new idea that crosses your mind. This weekend, transform your life by finishing something you’ve started. As you already know, that feeling of accomplishment is like nothing else. You’ll be flying high on pride and self-confidence well into next week.
Unlike some of the other signs on this list, you don’t have the natural aptitude to “go for it.” Instead, you get stuck in the daydream portion of making your life better. You focus on what you’re missing in your life right now and the emotions you want to feel in that nebulous vision of the future. This weekend, do something concrete to make it happen. Even just one thing checked off your “dream come true” checklist will go a long way to getting there. Who knows? Maybe it’ll start a snowball effect and suddenly you’re where you want to be.
While you’re a fire sign, you aren’t as much of a go-getter as the others. You’ll sometimes sit in discomfort for way too long because the idea of change freaks you out. Even if there’s seemingly no downside to the change, you’re still paralyzed. This weekend, it’s finally time for the change you’ve been avoiding. You’re full of power and can manifest anything. Start living your life as the powerful being that you’ve always known yourself to be. Change might be scary, but stagnancy is even more frightening.
While some people struggle with big decisions, that’s where you really shine. You’re a Big Decisions Babe and aren’t afraid to change your entire life trajectory after only a short time planning. It’s the little things you trip up on. You’d rather upend your whole life than fix one small problem. This weekend, make a big difference by doing something tiny. Rather than deciding to move across the country or signing up for a 10-day backpacking trip to run away from your problems, fix something where you already are.