4 Zodiacs Who Make The Most Horrible Bosses
Leaders are good and necessary. Most people are not natural-born leaders, so they need a supervisor to give their life structure and direct everyone in the company toward a common goal.
Although the word “boss” is considered synonymous with “leader,” I’d like to make a crucial distinction. A leader guides people toward victory. A boss merely bosses people around, and as a result, everyone suffers. It’s also likely that the company’s bottom line will suffer. The world needs more leaders and fewer bosses.
Here are the four zodiac signs who make the worst bosses.
1. Aries
A fire sign ruled by Mars, the planet of war, Aries can make good leaders but horrible bosses. They not only like to be in control; they get their jollies by having their underlings praise them and constantly suck up to them. They treat their workers as disposable assets and not only insult them behind their backs, but to their faces. What’s worse, they will take any suggestions for improving the business, no matter how gently or sincerely expressed, as a slap in the face and get extremely defensive. They actually enjoy having power over others and will constantly remind you that you need them far more than they need you. And no matter how incompetent they are, they will find a way to blame it on you.
2. Leo
The Lion is a fire sign ruled by the sun. As bosses, they will not take “no” for an answer, and when they tell you to jump, they expect you to ask, “How high?” while you’re already in mid-air. If they suspect even the slightest hint of disloyalty, they will treat you as a traitor and do everything in their power to undermine your advancement and make you lose sleep at night wondering if you’ll have a job in the morning. The worst sort of Leo not only enjoys having control over others, they almost sadistically enjoy firing their employees for even the most trifling of infractions.
3. Virgo
Virgos are good at delegating responsibility—a little too good. They have an entitled view of themselves as managers who don’t actually have to do any real work. They like to pile nearly all of the work on their employees and take all the credit for it. They merely relish the role of being the top dog, the head honcho, the one in charge, but they are loath to get their hands dirty in the process. And they will make this clear to you—they don’t have to try too hard, because they know that you will cover for them. And if you don’t cover for them, they will find someone to replace you and laugh as the door hits you in your ass on the way out.
4. Gemini
It seems like a contradiction that the Twins, who are the best sign at communicating, would not make perfect bosses—until you realize that they are, well, the Twins. When they are complimenting employees and giving them pep talks, no one is better. But the flip side is that they communicate their negative feelings about employees far too well and with unremitting candor. They can be insulting, intolerant, and vicious in their comments, which can cut a worker to the bone and make them feel not only demoralized, but resentful. The Twins are also moody, which can be devastating for office morale. Gemini is one of those signs who are self-driven and perform far better when working alone.