Jakob Wandel

4 Zodiacs Who Might Be Changing Their Relationship Status The Week of 5/19

This week could result in some relationship changes for a few zodiac signs!

On 5/23, Venus, the planet of love and relationships, enters the curious, playful sign of Gemini, which could spark some new experiences for zodiac signs in love or who are looking for it. Gemini enjoys exploring new ideas and possibilities, and while, in some cases, this makes us restless, it can also push us to stop being stagnant and try something different!

On the same day, the Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs, marking shifts and chapters closing to make room for the new. Sagittarius is known to be an explorer and loves to expand their mind and experiences in the world, making this Full Moon particularly apt for making changes that will help us to grow.

With both of these events occurring on the same day, there are a few zodiac signs who are likely to experience a desire to make some changes to their relationship status. Some who are single may decide to put themselves out there or make their flirty connections and situationships into something more official. Those in relationships may choose to move things to the next level or try new experiences together. Some may decide to part ways with those they are currently with if they realize it’s not the right fit. Regardless of the direction, these signs will require some serious contemplation regarding the next steps in their love lives!

Check your signs below (Rising and Sun) to see which signs may change their relationship status this week! 


You have a lot to think about this week, Gemini! With Venus in your 1st House of Self and Identity, you’ll likely feel and be seen as more attractive than usual, which is great for a confidence boost. You can realize how many options are at your fingertips and feel more at ease with how you carry yourself. Additionally, the Full Moon will be in your 7th House of Partnerships, and you could find yourself paying closer attention to what is and isn’t working in your relationships. If you’re single, you could feel more certain about what you want from a relationship and decide not to settle. If you’re partnered, you may reevaluate your relationship and take a new approach. Sometimes, change is for the best if we are open to it.


Striking a balance between you and your relationships is the focus this week, Sagittarius. With Venus in your 7th House of Partnerships, you may notice an uptick in those who want to be with you or are attracted to you. If you’re partnered, you may also desire to put more effort into fixing issues in your relationships. Additionally, the Full Moon in your 1st House of Self and Identity could see you letting go of expectations you’ve held for yourself or changing course in the path you had laid for yourself. With these transits occurring the same day, you could find that you long to connect with others more, but not at the expense of losing yourself. Only you know what that looks like but trust your decision.


Be prepared for some extra attention, Aquarius! With Venus in your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, your charm and playfulness are essentially effortless. You are able to captivate others in ways you may not expect, which makes things wide open for those who are single or looking for new connections. You may also feel more adventurous in romance and want to explore new things. Additionally, with the Full Moon in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, you could find that your friends are in need of what you have to offer, which could find you trying to balance your friends and your romantic connections. Depending on how this plays out, you may opt to keep things casual with romance to strengthen friendships. If you’re partnered, you may work to restructure things to ensure your friends and partners feel valued. Either way, you know changes must be made.


You never know where love will strike, Leo! With Venus in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, friendships that you’ve formed could show more romantic potential that you want to pursue, though it may feel more light and casual than a die-hard love story. If you’re partnered, you may desire to strengthen your friendship with the person you love. Additionally, the Full Moon in your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure could push you to pour out your feelings or make a grand gesture to show someone you care about how you feel. The important thing to note is if you want genuine love, you have to build a strong foundation first, and if you currently don’t have that, you either need to start building one or find someone who shares the desire to do so. You can’t lean into connections that don’t hold meaning forever, and it’s time to make a change.