4 Zodiacs Who Need To Believe In Themselves This Week (August 14 - 21)
Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Need To Believe In Themselves This Week (August 14-21)

It’s natural to have doubts about yourself, but you don’t want to assume you’re going to fail before you even try. It doesn’t matter whether you’re planning to ask someone on a date, go for a big promotion, or enter a competition. You need to trust that you have what it takes to succeed — and that you’ll be okay if you don’t succeed. Here are the zodiac signs who need to trust themselves this week:


You’re always talking big, but you have insecurities, just like anybody else. There are moments when you doubt you have what it takes, when you consider giving up, but you always push through. This week, you need to believe in yourself. Trust that you have what it takes to get through whatever is on the agenda. You’ve been in tough spots before and you have endured. What makes this time any different? Even though you might feel intimidated or unsure right now, don’t let those emotions stop you from doing what you really want to do. Go for it anyway. Take a real chance on yourself.


Cancer, your self-consciousness has gotten in the way of pursuing what you want in the past. And you can’t let that happen again. You can’t let opportunities pass you by because you’re worried about failing or disappointing yourself. You’re going to have more regrets if you don’t try than if you do regardless of how things turn out in the end. This week, you need to trust yourself and believe in yourself. Remember that you are just as worthy as anyone else. You can do this. Stop focusing on all the mistakes you might end up making and start visualizing your success.


Sagittarius, you are always able to pump up other people when they’re doubting themselves. You are the first person to encourage your friends to chase after what they want. But you rarely show up for yourself in that same way. And that needs to change. You need to start treating yourself with the same level of kindness that you provide to the rest of the world. Believe in yourself the way you believe in your loved ones. Be your own biggest cheerleader instead of your own harshest critic. You might not get everything right, but that’s okay. All that matters it hat you try, that you take a real chance on yourself instead of counting yourself out early. You deserve this as much as anyone else does.


Scorpio, you always want to be prepared for what’s to come. That’s why you always think through the worst case scenarios in every situation. But you can’t forget to play out scenarios where everything works out. Where you succeed. Where you achieve immense happiness. You’re allowed to think through the pros and cons, but don’t dwell on the bad stuff. Don’t assume disappointment is imminent. Let yourself imagine what would happen if everything went right. Let yourself hope and believe. Yes, you could end up disappointed — or you could end up with everything that you’ve ever wanted.