Pexels / Athena

4 Zodiacs Who Need To Focus On What’s Really Important


Aries needs to focus on what actually matter to them, not what’s eating away at them. They are letting the little things in life take up way too much space rent free in their brains. Dwelling on the smallest irritations in their day, long after they’ve ceased to pose an immediate problem, Aries finds themself still replaying that uncomfortable interaction for the hundredth time as they lay in their bed unable to sleep. In order to take back their mental real estate, they need to start with the little things that are within their control, but also have the potential to make a positive impact. Getting dressed for the day to feel confident and comfortable. Eating balanced meals to approach the day with a full tank of energy. Little rituals, whether that be a podcast, reading the news, or savoring a cup of coffee prepared to their liking. The more control Aries exerts in the minutia of their lives, the more capable they will feel to steer its overall direction.


Pisces gets overwhelmed by the big picture. They see things they don’t like about an entire system, like politics, religion, or consumerism, and chooses to disengage from reality into a fantasy world of their creation. They hide behind books and movies and fandoms, instead of being fully invested in the people around them. If they were to pop their head out of that groundhog hole they’re seeking refuge in, they would find likeminded people all around them. Discourses to be had, movements to join, impact to be made. Instead of running from the problems they see, they could actively fight to change them, or at the very least, build meaningful human connections with people who share their passions, convictions, and ethics. Deep, lifelong friendships are not only found in fiction, but they take work. Pisces has to put themselves out there and overcome their social anxieties in order to find the place where they “belong”. This ugly duckling mentality is holding them back. Their tribe is waiting for their arrival.


Leo feels like their latest crisis is the end of the world. And there is a sliver of truth in that sentiment. The ordeal is not for the faint-hearted, and there is a grieving process associated with the clear break between the “before” and “after” of this event. Their high-profile status within their community and social circle means this scandal is the talk of everyone with a seven-degree separation from Leo. Sensationalism is a mix of shock, pity, envy, all mixed into an attempt to escape from their own boredom, but for Leo it’s become an ongoing means of torture and constant anxiety. They just have to wait it out. This event will run its course through the word of mouth gamut, and eventually be replaced by the next shocking story. Leo themselves will move on, learning to see the event as a blip on their radar. Something that changed their life, but no longer causes current pain or discomfort. Simply an integrated truth of their reality.


Libra needs to overcome their fears and go out on a limb for their own happiness. The temporary discomfort they are avoiding is getting in the way of a crucial building block of their future. Career, love, family, friendship. The things Libra has imagined for themselves since childhood are within reach, if they only speak up and ask for what they want. This obstinate shyness is standing in the way of them and everything they’ve ever dreamed of. Whatever social conventions they’re clinging to are leading them in the wrong direction. Being too scared to say ‘I love you’ first. Holding back a great idea to let others speak in their stead. Not trusting in their culinary skills enough to host that first family holiday. There will always be an excuse, an easy out, a reason not to go after the things we so desperately want and need. The hard part is acknowledging how stupid and insignificant they all are, saying to ourselves, and by proxy the world, that this is the thing that actually matters.