4 Zodiacs Who Need To Keep On Going, No Matter What Roadblocks They’re Facing
You feel like no matter how high you jump or climb, you just can’t clear the latest hurdle in your life path, Scorpio. The reality is you have a natural talent and tenacity when it comes to overcoming life’s challenges, and this is the first time you’ve really had to work at it. Not everything is something we can master on our first try, and more often than not, it’s the things that take us the most time that we are proudest of accomplishing when all is said and done. Keep your chin up, dust yourself off, and give it another try. The only person who can truly hold you back right now is yourself. Don’t give in to your own despair.
It feels like you’re never going to move past this roadblock, Gemini, like you’re faced with an impossible David versus Goliath match up, and you’re simply not equipped to handle the situation. What you need is a change in perspective. How would you feel if you knew for a fact it would only take one more try? Even two or three? Would you get back up and get it over with? Would you approach temporary failure with joy and enthusiasm? Would you look forward to the celebration and smooth sailing that’s sure to follow? You need to ask yourself why you’re so sure of failure, when anything is possible. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt, it’s often all we need to succeed.
You should know that it takes more than one match to win the championship, Libra, but for some reason, you’re looking at this latest roadblock as if it’s the end all be all that has the power to ruin your entire life. You need to look back five years, and then ten. Think of the problems that seemed insurmountable to you back then. Most likely they seem like child’s play to you in comparison today. Channel the future you, and imagine how small your problems today will seem to them. Believe in a version of yourself that has moved past this moment, trust that it’s possible, and don’t give up. Being unrelentless has gotten you this far already. Now is not the time to stop.
You’re all out of sorts because the roadblock you can’t seem to move past is your own self, Pisces. We all get in our own way from time to time, but that’s no reason to lie down and play dead. Dig deep, reflect on the decisions and emotions that are holding you back from progress, and do the personal work to make peace with yourself. Your inner world is a house you need to get organized. Leave no corner undusted, no stone unturned. Use this moment to remind yourself how regular maintenance can prevent the need for total overhauls like this. With the right mindset and habits you can turn this ship around and reach your destination. You just need to be willing to swab your own deck.