Victor Miyata

4 Zodiacs Who Will Be Pointed In The Direction Of Their Happiness


Sometimes life gets us all turned around, Gemini, and we can’t tell up from down. You’ve been struggling to regain your bearings and recover from the dizziness and blurred vision, but luckily someone is about to grab you by the shoulders to help steady you so you can regulate your nervous system. They will gently guide you back towards the path you were meant to take, and disappear before you have a proper chance to thank them. When mysterious guides appear in our lives at exactly the moment we need them, the best thing we can do is pass that generous spirit on to the next person we see in a similar struggle. Everyone encounters moments of hardship; the cycle is about lending and receiving help in turns.


It’s hard to go looking for something you’ve never seen before, Pisces. Happiness is such a subjective and personal thing. Sometimes it feels fleeting, and other times we look behind us and see the ways it’s consistently stuck by our side, regardless of the other emotions we were carrying simultaneously in tow. The question before you is, “Where now?”, how to anticipate where happiness is heading, where to reach out and grab it next. An unexpected sign will seemingly fall out of the blue, practically knocking you over the head with its specificity. Only you will know it when you see it, and only you will be able to muster up the courage to accept the invitation to your best and brightest future. Life is daring you to RSVP.


The people who know you best are the ones you should be listening to now, Scorpio. They know how dissatisfied and dismayed you’ve been with life’s latest batch of curve balls. They believe in you, and the fact that you deserve more out of life than your current circumstances. Don’t get caught up in the fallacy of imagined criticism, and instead heed their advice for what it is, guidance that has your best interest in mind. Change is terrifying. Especially when we’ve been so bogged down in something miserable, we can’t believe that a change in circumstances could ever warrant an improvement to our quality of life. But it can, and it will, if you simply lean on those who are more than willing to help you get there.


Your happiness isn’t a circular path, Taurus, but patterns will be repeated, even if you can’t see it yet. The things that made you happy when you were younger, before you had any of the responsibility or self-doubt that comes with adulthood, are the key to the happiness you’ve been seeking now. While you can never truly travel back to your carefree days on the monkey bars, you have to reconnect with those deeper truths about what actually brings you joy. Money has only ever been a vehicle to some of those things. A candy bar, a new skateboard, an outfit for the first day of school. The adult in you can dig deeper, can access the feelings those experiences evoked, and replicate a mature version of that experience.