4 Zodiacs Who Will Find Themselves On An Unexpected Life Path This Spring


Leo, you discover some new information about yourself that alters your trajectory this Spring. I’m not talking about a telenovela level inheritance, or your older sibling actually being right about you being adopted. It’s a softer, sweeter realization. Not anything malicious someone has kept from you, a genuine development that you slowly become aware of. Maybe you are the picky eater who blossoms into a home chef, or the person who taught themselves to play an instrument during the pandemic. Whatever it is, the discovery empowers you to feel capable, to explore your full potential and all the possibilities connected to it. It’s true that making choices involves not making others, but sometimes the choices we make lead to new possibilities we never imagined.


The life path you find yourself on this Spring is unexpected, Virgo, because it’s the one you thought you’d never touch with a ten-foot pole. You poked fun at and mocked it, and then somehow woke up smack dab in the middle of it. You swore you’d never be that person. The Disney adult. The person who sends Christmas cards of you and your dog in matching pajamas. The one who can’t shut up about their sourdough starter. Whatever it is that you judged, heavily, it’s serving you a slice of humble pie made up of your own words and you’re about to eat them all. We know you always have to be right, Virgo, but who cares about being wrong when it makes you this happy?


You find yourself on an unexpected life path this month, Libra, because you’ve run out of excuses. You do have the time, you do have the money, and there is nothing left for you to do but give it a try, whatever it is you’ve been putting off for ages. The ski trip your friend has been begging you to go on. The yoga class down the street. The spa day you’ve been dreaming of. It can be hard, when we get in the habit of routine, to make time for things that are purely fun, but sometimes things are so fun, we can’t help but make them part of our routine. Ripping off the bandaid this Spring is your first step towards a new you.


The life path you find yourself on this month is unexpectedly lighter, Scorpio. Your Spring cleaning worked. You got rid of the things, people, guilt, expectations, and baggage that had been weighing you down for so long. And in the space that was created, you suddenly saw room for a new way of living. Room for the art you want to look at every day in your home. Room for the clothes you actually want to wear in your closet. Room for the places you want to go to with the people you want to spend time with. The space that was never big enough for everything you were trying to fit within it suddenly transformed into a curated home for everything you love most of all.