Juliano Astc

4 Zodiacs Who Will Have A Fabulous Fall

Fall is upon us – the temperatures are starting to cool, leaves are changing colors and dropping from the trees, and pumpkin spice everything is back in season. Whether you celebrate your birthday in the autumn months or not, there are a few zodiacs who are set to have a fantastic fall in 2024. Here are the four star signs that will have a fabulous fall, based on upcoming astrological events.


We recently entered Virgo season on August 23, but that’s not the only reason this zodiac sign is lucky this fall! Mercury, Virgo’s leading planet, has been retrograde for the past several weeks, causing the usual delays in communication, travel issues, technology breakdowns, etc. But Mercury goes direct on August 27, just in time for the rest of Virgo season to go smoothly! We should all feel the positive effects of Mercury going direct, but no one shall feel the relief as strongly as Virgos. 

On September 2, there is a New Moon in Virgo. The New Moon is a powerful time to set our intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle (about a month). It’s a phase of cleansing, renewal, and fresh energy. With both the sun AND moon in your sign, this New Moon will be especially potent for Virgos. They should feel refreshed and revitalized, and have no problem manifesting their desires, especially goals around work and health.

There is also a partial lunar eclipse on September 17. It occurs on the Pisces-Virgo nodal axis, so it affects these two signs intensely. This eclipse is all about closing chapters and opening ourselves to the unknown. As long as Virgos are willing to align themselves with this energy, they can manifest wonderful things!


It’s your time to shine, sparkly Libra! The sun enters your sign on September 23, marking the beginning of Libra season. Everyone, especially Libras, will be feeling social, confident, and upbeat! The sun in your sign blesses everything you do with an extra dose of luck – this fall is the time for you to request that raise or promotion, spark a conversation with your crush, or even buy a lottery ticket. 

On October 2, there is a rare New Moon Solar Eclipse in your sign. Although Virgo also just experienced a New Moon while the sun was in their sign, it’s actually not that common of an occurrence. This amplifies manifesting powers as you set intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. And the Solar Eclipse just strengthens the intensity of this astrological phenomena for you!

Although your indecision and people-pleasing tendencies will be strong right now, do your best to consciously avoid them. Take some time on October 2 to reflect on your blessings and focus on what you want to achieve in the future, especially in the upcoming months. Goals around love, money, and beauty will be particularly boosted. Your Libra luck can’t fail you now!


Fall is all about Spooky Season, which aligns perfectly with your personality and aesthetic, mysterious Scorpio. The sun enters your sign on October 23, followed by a New Moon in Scorpio on November 1. With both the sun and moon in your sign, plus it being the day after Halloween (when the veil between the spiritual world and the physical realm is thinnest), there is so much magic surrounding this time for you. 

Scorpio season is sure to be spooky, romantic, and mystical – just the way you like it! Make sure you plan important intentions to set for yourself on this New Moon, as your desires will be blessed with extra luck. This New Moon will kick off a period of transformation for you, so get ready to let go of what hasn’t been serving you and embrace exciting new opportunities!

On November 3, shortly after the New Moon, Juno enters Scorpio. Juno is a key asteroid in astrology, connected to marriage and partnership. Scorpio rules the eighth house, which is the house of merging resources and intimacy, so you are already passionate about marriage and partnership. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself lucky in love, or if relationship patterns reveal themselves during this time. This is an intense, intimate period where any bonds created will be hard to break.


Although fall isn’t your birthday season, dear Pisces, this autumn will be particularly fortuitous for you. On September 17, there is a Full Moon and a partial lunar eclipse in your sign. This means that you will see the fruits of the manifestations you’ve been working on lately, especially from the previous month. Be sure to set your intentions carefully on the September 2 New Moon in Virgo (especially goals around health and work), as they will blossom during the dreamy Pisces Full Moon! 

Your creativity and intuition are enhanced, and this is a powerful time for emotional healing and spiritual growth. The partial lunar eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo nodal axis enhances this Full Moon’s power, emphasizing the need to let go of whatever no longer serves you and make way for new blessings to come in. You may have to face some uncomfortable truths you’ve been avoiding, but it will be in service of the abundance the universe has in store for you.

On November 15, Saturn goes direct in your sign. Saturn is the planet of karma, authority, structure, discipline, and responsibility. Usually, these areas confound or overwhelm you, but you will be able to fulfill your duties and make practical plans for the future during this time. You may even see some career opportunities or financial windfalls!