4 Zodiacs Who Will Use Self-Care To Boost Their Confidence This Week
Tauruses know what they want. They have this idealized version of themselves in their mind and are the most adept signs at taking something they’ve imagined and turning it into their reality. They buy the shoes, the bag, the makeup that reinvents them time and time again, and then they go out into the world, DJ’d by their own soundtrack, and move with a confidence and ease that is unparalleled. They are the adults who never stopped playing make believe and dress up, and got so good at it that to the rest of the world it just looks as natural as breathing. It gets called new names like charisma and style and sophistication. Intrigue. An ‘it’ factor. And to the Taurus, it was simply an idea they had, something they treated themselves to. Something that, at the end of the day, makes them happy. An arbitrary decision with clear and concrete impact in their state of mind and quality of life.
Leos are the masters of fine dining. They know where the ambiance will make them feel like something special, where the newness and hype of an opening weekend will give them something to look forward to and be surprised by. They know what cocktails to order when they want to feel transported to another country or another time or another life that is more glamorous or luxurious than their typical day-to-day. They’ll snap a picture of the most decadent dessert and post it for the world to see, a bold statement that says I’m not afraid to treat myself, to celebrate for no reason, to live life in the here and now and according to their own pleasure. To abandon all the stresses and unreliability of life for a moment in time where a bite of chocolate delivers everything it promises to. Comfort, sensuality, childlike joy, and a high note to end the evening on.
Aquarians will indulge in leisure activity the young take for granted and the old cherish: a good, old-fashioned nap. Try to sound refined and bilingual by calling it a siesta, take it indoors or outdoors, in your pajamas or your clothes, under a million blankets or with the fans on full blast. To each their own pleasure, but the pause midday to recharge your batteries after a long night, or week, or month—the closing of the eyes, and the quieting of the mind, the simple concept that the rest of the day can wait—is a form of self-care little surpasses. The world is always a little less daunting, our to-do lists a little less overwhelming when we reawaken. We feel ready to enjoy our nights, be present with the people we love, and can look at tomorrow without a sense of dread after a nap. It gives us back a sense of control, however small, that we have the power to slow down and take things one step at a time.
Self-care for a Pisces may be as simple as putting their phone on do not disturb, making a fresh pot of coffee, and cracking open a brand new book. Life can get overwhelming when you’re so perceptive and sensitive to the world. Pisces need to unplug from time to time, both from the internet and their social circles, so they can have time to process all of the inbound stimuli and information that’s constantly thrown their way. They just can’t help but pick up on it. Books or other works of fiction give them a different lens from which to process it. Something as simple as song lyrics may help them see their current situation in a softer light because they can reframe things from the outside looking in. Having something completely unrelated to their own life to focus on gives them the time and space to let things marinate. They may come out of their trance-like focus with a new outlook on their emotional state, just from processing it all in the background.