4 Zodiacs Who Wish Someone Would Give Them The Answers They Need
I know it’s really hard, Virgo, feeling like you don’t have a roadmap for success. Constantly having to carve your own path forward because the people in your periphery represent the things you don’t want in life. There are so many days where you just wish a fairy godmother would appear, wave her magic wand, and show you the answers to all your deepest, most desperate questions about life. But the harsh, albeit beautiful truth about life, your life, is that you are the most equipped to hold the reins. People may chime in, give you their own two cents, solicited or not, but it may be the opposite of what you want to hear. Life isn’t a game to be played by anyone else’s rules.
You wish someone would take you seriously, Sagittarius. Would see underneath your veneers and facades and recognize just how hard you’re trying, even though you make every effort to keep that fact hidden. For whatever reason, you’ve learned to place more stock in external validation than your own. You desperate yearn for someone to tell you that you can do it, that you have talent and passion and worth, because you’re too afraid to do it for yourself. What would it mean if you did? Would it mean coming to grips with the fact that you’re in the wrong place? Affirming the fact that you’re under appreciated, overlooked, or misunderstood? If you were your own shoulder to cry on, would you be able to summon the courage to make a change?
A small part of you is still clinging to fairy tales, Scorpio, is chalking up your current dissatisfaction to not finding the right person, the right partner who will usher in your happy ending. But a relationship isn’t the end to every conflict, they often come with their own to navigate. If you continue to wait for someone else to come and rescue you, you will let opportunities to help yourself pass you by. You can be your own knight in shining armor. You can tackle these challenges head on. You can slay your own dragons. It is so hard, and so scary, but I have every faith that you are up to the challenge. Suit up, get on that horse, and show everyone you too are a thing to be feared.
You always know exactly what everyone else needs to hear, Cancer, and sometimes, you wish you could just create a carbon copy of yourself to coach you through life’s toughest moments, because an interior monologue doesn’t hit home the same way. It’s fair, to want to receive the same things you pour out into the world. Space, a listening ear, and kind, comforting words. Maybe it’s time to look around and ask why some of these relationships are so one-sided. Are the people you are lifting up unaware of your own personal needs, do you need to open up more and make them heard, or are they simply being ignored? You deserve to participate in reciprocal relationships. Don’t sell yourself short.