4 Birth Months Who Won’t Feel Guilty About Asking For More Than The Bare Minimum
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4 Zodiacs Who Won’t Hold Back From Asking For More Than The Bare Minimum

You’re not greedy for asking for more than the bare minimum. After all, that’s what you should be getting in a healthy relationship anyway. You should be having your needs and your expectations met — or surpassed — by your person without needing to beg them for anything. Here are the birth months who won’t feel guilty about asking for more than the bare minimum because they know what they deserve:


Aries are blunt about what they want. They aren’t going to beat around the bush. They aren’t going to tell little white lies in order to make themselves more palatable. They are going to give you the harsh, honest truth. And that truth is: They deserve the best. They deserve to be spoiled. They deserve to feel wanted. If you aren’t willing to give them your all, they are going to walk away. They would rather be single than stick around someone who encourages them to lower their standards, who isn’t willing to put effort into the relationship. An Aries is going to demand to be treated correctly — and they won’t feel guilty about it. They won’t feel selfish. They’ll feel like they’re doing exactly what they should be doing. 


Leos aren’t going to apologize for their high standards. They aren’t going to be manipulated or guilt tripped into changing their minds. This sign knows what they deserve, and they are searching for a partner who knows it too. This is why it can take them so long to settle down. They aren’t looking for any person. They’re looking for the perfect person. Leos understand some people aren’t going to be able to meet their standards, and that’s okay. They would rather be alone so they can focus on their own wants, needs, and pleasure, than be in a relationship where they aren’t getting what they deserve.


Libras aren’t going to feel guilty about asking for more than the bare minimum because they want to push you to reach your potential. They aren’t going to be happy with low energy. They want to know that you’re trying, that you genuinely care and show it through your actions and your words. This sign is generous and forgiving, but they aren’t pushovers. They aren’t going to stick around if you refuse to put in the work. They won’t apologize for knowing their worth, for believing they deserve an epic love story. 


Aquarius aren’t going to feel guilty about asking for more than the bare minimum because they are constantly giving more than the bare minimum. When this sign commits to you, they are in all the way. They are going to do everything in their power to make you happy, and they expect you to return the favor. They expect you to care about their happiness as much as they care about yours. If the relationship is one-sided, this sign would rather stay single. But if you’re going to date them, you better rise to their standards. You better be prepared to give them what they deserve.