4 Zodiacs Who Won’t Last Long With A Negative, Pessimistic Partner
Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Won’t Last Long With A Negative, Pessimistic Partner

Some zodiac signs enjoy complaining about their work and families and life as a whole, especially when their partner joins in with them. It’s a way to bond. A way to become closer. But other signs want nothing to do with this type of attitude. They would rather surround themselves with positivity and happiness. Here are some zodiacs who won’t last with a negative, pessimistic partner:


Libras are a wildly optimistic sign. They see the best in everyone that they meet and are turned off by drama. They won’t last in a relationship with someone who is too pessimistic because they don’t want to deal with constant criticisms and complaints. After all, the world is so damn beautiful. There are so many wonderful things in the present and things to look forward to in the future. If their partner tears other people down on a daily basis or gets involved in too much confrontation, a Libra isn’t going to want to be with them much longer. They want an encouraging partner. A kind partner. A partner who sees the best in others, just like they do.


It might be hypocritical, but a Scorpio isn’t going to last long with a pessimistic partner because they can’t both be the worried one. This sign works best with someone who exudes sunshine to balance out their pessimism. They need a partner who is going to remind them that everything is going to be okay, that there’s not that much to stress over. Since Scorpios have a bad habit of assuming the worst from every person and every situation, being with a pessimistic partner will only enhance these qualities. It could end up making them even more unhappy in the end, even though they have so much in common.


Sagittarius find the humor in every situation. Even when it feels like the world is crashing down around them, they are going to find a reason to laugh about it. This sign doesn’t take themselves too seriously because they’re always looking to have a good time, to make the most of every single day. Which is why they won’t last long with someone overly negative. They don’t want their partner bringing down the mood. They don’t want to hear a million complaints when they’re trying to enjoy themselves. They want a fun, lighthearted relationship. A relationship where they’re spending more time smiling than crying.


Although Pisces are excellent at cheering up their loved ones, they won’t last long with a partner who is too pessimistic. After all, this sign feels every emotion deeply. If their partner is hurting, they end up hurting. That’s why it’s so draining for them to be in a relationship with a pessimistic partner. They become pessimistic themselves. They lose some of their energy and enthusiasm every day they spend with someone like this. It’s best for them to surround themselves with positivity because when their partner is happy, they’re happy. When their partner is excited, they’re excited. Their emotions are heavily linked.