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4 Zodiacs Whose Love Lives Will Be Most Affected This Virgo Season

Well, friends, it’s time to whip things into shape—Virgo season has arrived!

Yes, from August 23rd to September 22nd, the Sun will be in the practical, mutable sign of Virgo. This season is usually marked by a desire to accomplish things and check important tasks off our to-do list. However, Virgo is also a sign that tries to prepare for the unexpected, and this season does have some surprises in store—particularly in the love department for some zodiac signs.

The same day Virgo season begins, Mercury Retrograde (also in the sign of Virgo) enters that chat—and is ready to throw some chaos into the mix. Until September 3rd, Mercury Retrograde will push us to reflect and reassess, as well as ensure we watch what we say and do. Then, on August 27th, Mars (the planet of drive and ambition) will enter the sign of Libra—which may slow us down a bit in our determination to accomplish things. Whereas Mars likes to go go go, the sign of Libra forces the planet to slow down and consider its impact on others, and the results can feel a little sluggish while we sort through our options.

As far as relationships go, these transits can cause some tension and don’t exactly set the stage for ideal communication. However, this season will mark some crucial chapters regarding where relationships are going and what lessons have fully sunk in from past encounters. While all the signs will experience effects from these transits, four signs will feel them most distinctly in terms of their relationships.

Check the signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see the four signs whose love lives will be most affected this Virgo season.


Of course, this season focuses on yourself, Virgo—especially with things taking place in your 1st House of Self and Identity. However, the ways we view and care for ourselves can impact our surrounding relationships, especially if we are in a place of self-discovery. With the Sun and Mercury Retrograde moving through your 1st House, you may have conflicting feelings about who you are and how to express yourself outwardly. Additionally, once Mars, the planet of drive and ambition, moves into your 2nd House of Values and Possessions, your attention may feel pulled towards what you prioritize and what’s important to you. The best thing you can do is ask your relationships to support you and not make any hasty decisions. Take the time to figure out who you are and everything else will make more sense.


With Virgo ruling your 7th House of Relationships, it’s no shock they will be at the forefront of your focus this season, Pisces. As the Sun and Mercury Retrograde start their trek through this house, you’ll likely experience some serious illumination on the state of your connections. If you’re in a relationship (new or long-term), this may reveal some new information you weren’t previously aware of and could lead to you deciding how to navigate the situation. You also may find that you want to communicate how you’re feeling with your partner, but you can’t seem to find the right words—just be sure you think things through before you say anything you regret. Additionally, Mars moving into Libra in your 8th House of Bonds and Shared Resources may stir up some uncertainty surrounding the ways you’re connected to your partner, be it financially, intimately, or otherwise. Know that you may feel a little unsteady about making firm decisions in this area, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth revisiting after you’ve had some time to process everything happening during this season.


I know, Aquarius, you’re wondering “Can’t I catch a break?” in the relationship department—but this focus is necessary, I promise. Leo season has already been illuminating and chaotic with the Sun and Venus Retrograde in your 7th House of Relationships. Venus isn’t going anywhere, but the Sun and Mercury Retrograde are shifting into your 8th House of Bonds and Shared Resources, which can make things feel a little heavy and unsteady in some of your relationships—particularly those that are long-term or heavily committed. If you share finances or other resources, there could be some miscommunication surrounding those topics over the next few weeks, so make sure you’re not signing any leases or making giant financial decisions without going over things with a fine-tooth comb. You may also experience some miscommunication in terms of intimacy and vulnerability, which can be frustrating for you and your partner. Take time to communicate what you want and need, and be patient to hear the other person out.


Virgo season is waking up your romantic and creative desires, Taurus, so it’s good to pay attention over the next few weeks! The Sun and Mercury Retrograde will be moving through your 5th House of Romance and Creativity, which can be exciting and fun to indulge in via flirtationships or rekindling sparks in your current relationship if things have felt a little on the predictable side. However, Mercury in Retrograde in this house has a reputation for exes to resurface—whether via text or simply in memory. This is an excellent time to unfriend any past flames on your socials, block their numbers, and not fixate too much on what could’ve been (especially if you’re currently in a relationship that isn’t going the way you’d hoped). If you’re single and an ex reaches out, be wary that whatever is taking place likely won’t have any permanency. They may claim they’ve changed, and it’s possible, but this doesn’t mean it’s time to jump back into a relationship. Let things play out if you’re determined to try things again, and make sure their actions back up their words.