4 Zodiacs Whose New Life Will Be Scary But Worth It
Your new life is filled with authenticity and vulnerability, and I know the mere thought of that feels like it’s going to make you go catatonic with shock, but the truth is, Scorpio, that this is what’s best for you. This is what will finally allow you to breathe and feel comfortable in your own skin. You’ve been fighting it for so long because it goes against every defense mechanism you’ve built up over the years, but your days of hiding and running away from your own feelings are coming to an end. It’s never actually saved you from anything except the risk that comes with finding out the truth. Because if you’re never really being yourself, no one can ever reject you. But they can’t really accept you either.
Your new life is about excess and personal pleasure, and even though that sounds entirely hedonistic to you right now, embracing the things that charge you up instead of wear you down will completely transform the way you move in the world. Gone are the days of dragging yourself out of bed, because it’s time to jump out of those covers ready to face the day. When you have something to look forward to and throw yourself into completely, effort feels lighter, and work becomes joyful movement and creativity. You’ve earned the right to put all of your eggs into one basket without feeling guilty. The time has come to chase your dreams. What you thought would feel so wrong, is exactly what’s right for you.
Cancer, your new life is about transparency and over sharing, the two things in this world that have been on your personal pet peeve list. Your code of ethics has always prioritized other people’s needs and personal experience over your own, but you’ve failed to realize how your lived reality can inform and enlighten many, many people. To put it mildly, you’ve been through some shit, and you’ve learned from it. You are knowledgeable enough to speak from that experience with authority. People will relate to your story, take comfort in it, and walk away having learned from it. That ability to connect with others and lighten their load is worth it, has meaning for you. All you have to do is overcome the hurdle of seeing your own value.
Your new life requires you to become a smaller fish in a bigger pond, Leo, and while the idea is terrifying, the reality is that it gives you so much more personal space to move around and explore in. Right now you are so closed in by all the people crowding around you, and their preconceived expectations about who you are have literally left no room for you to breathe. It’s time for you to live up to your full potential and fly to farther horizons. You will find yourself in rooms where you don’t know anyone at all, in situations where your reputation doesn’t precede you, but instead of being an obstacle, it may be your biggest gift if you allow it to be.