4 Zodiacs With An Innate Artistic Touch
We all know, on an intuitive level, that art speaks to the soul in a way few other things do. In an increasingly visually oriented culture, art is a valuable medium for expressing creativity and communicating ideas. From chalkboard doodles at your favorite coffee shop to fine art hanging in the Met, we are surrounded by art on all sides.
While there are many elements at play in a birth chart that can indicate a predisposition for artistic talent, certain zodiac signs are definitely more inclined to be creators—and curators—of beautiful and visionary things. Here are four of the signs most likely to be found with a paintbrush and canvas in hand, wandering the halls of your local art school.
You’re often stereotyped as vain, Libra, but your love of aesthetics is not necessarily shallow. You are ruled by Venus, the planet associated with beauty, art, and luxury, so you do appreciate art for art’s sake. Sometimes you can admittedly be a little bit pretentious. But at the end of the day, you are deeply interested in making the world more peaceful and harmonious, no matter the cost. Artistic expression is one of the purest ways in which you can externalize this strong desire. Don’t forget that your purpose here on earth is to seek justice, Libra, and your keen eye is good for more than simply spotting trend cycles. Art has historically represented the cultural ideals of the time and been very effective at creating social change. You are naturally guided by two intersecting desires: to make the world more pleasant to look at and to live in.
You’re not afraid to get your hands dirty, Taurus, making you the perfect candidate for artistic projects that require patience and endurance. Your ruling planet, Venus, gives you a natural elegance and appreciation for the finer things; as an earth sign, you value tradition and the preservation of beauty. You are willing to put in the time to create valuable works that stand the test of time. You have a steady hand and a stubborn streak capable of withstanding the drudgery of long days perfecting your craft, ensuring that you will maintain a good momentum even when the challenges of the creative life inevitably arise. Your desire to create is rooted in your love of the material world, and since your sign is associated with wealth, you have the power within your hands to be one of the artists who actually makes it, too.
With Mars as your natural ruler, Aries, you are ready and willing to take action at all times. As the first sign of the zodiac, you came into this world like an awe-inspired child, enchanted by the world around you and looking for every possible opportunity to experience something that will get your blood pumping. Your excitable and passionate personality drives you to throw your whole self into whatever you’re currently obsessed with, and many Aries are naturally gifted artists. If you’re an Aries rising, you’re even more likely to find success in art, as your fifth house is ruled by its natural leader, Leo, the most flamboyant of the signs. This unique blend of Martian and Venusian influence in your chart makes you both provocative and powerful. Whatever art you create will shake up the system and leave a lasting impact.
If you’re a Pisces, you and everyone around you already knows that you have all the feelings. But oftentimes the deep sentimentality of the Piscean personality is complemented by a strong talent in something artistic. This gifting permits you to release your emotions and share them with the world through a powerful process of pain and healing. Whether you pursue music, painting, or poetry, you do it from a posture of true spiritual openness and sometimes might feel as though you are simply a conduit. Ruled by Neptune in modern astrology, your creations are infused with a mystical eccentricity that resonates strongly with your audience even if they do not consciously understand why. In traditional astrology, you are ruled by expansive and philosophical Jupiter, making you capable of synthesizing complex existential and theological concepts into your work.