Polina Tankilevitch

4 Zodiacs With The Softest Hearts

4. Virgo

While practical and analytical, service lies in the foundation of Virgo’s attentive nature. This mutable earth sign has an intuitive sense of understanding the needs of others and is gifted with the ability to guide them into deeper states of healing. Although they can be incredibly hard on themselves, Virgo is typically understanding and patient in the process of others. Virgo notices the small details and takes steps to ensure others feel supported and cared for. With Chiron as their modern ruler, Virgo facilitates awakening and embodies the leadership that comes as we commit to healing and growth.

3. Libra

The diplomat of the Zodiacs, Libra has an affinity for art and harmony. This air sign rules over the House of Partnership and has innate skills in maintaining peace in social situations. Libra tends to be conflict-avoidant and may neglect self-awareness in an attempt to please and appease others. Developing the ability to approach confrontation and speak personal needs is of the utmost importance for this well-liked sign. Libra values connection to close friends and family, and equally enjoys extending their kindness to newcomers. Libra can see all sides of a situation and exudes love everywhere they go.

2. Cancer

Ruled by the moon, Cancer is deeply connected to the subconscious and emotional elements of this world. The ultimate nurturers, they prioritize creating spaces that make others feel seen, comforted, and held. Cancer chooses intimacy over novelty, and values intimate relationships with friends and family. This water sign is gifted with a softness that allows them to be incredibly vulnerable, and this vulnerability is ultimately one of their greatest strengths. Associated with home and family, this sign teaches the importance of caring for our inner child and creating a sense of warmth and belonging.

1. Pisces

Known as the dreamer of the Zodiacs, Pisces connects to emotional and spiritual qualities. Pisces season lies at the end of the Zodiac year, marking a unique understanding of lessons found in Zodiac seasons prior. This water sign is uniquely empathetic and loves to explore layers of consciousness. Valuing unification and gentleness, this Zodiac sign intuitively picks up on the experiences of others. Along their personal growth journey, Pisces learns to set personal boundaries in a way that allows their soft hearts space to soar.