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5 Zodiac Duos Trapped in A Cycle Of Unending Drama

Let’s face it, sometimes no matter how nice or agreeable you try to be, there are just some people you can’t stand to be around or seem to get on the same page with. The situation could be perfect and there could be all the signs pointing to a cohesive relationship or friendship, but some people are just too opposite to live on the same page. If our zodiac tells us anything, it’s who we will and won’t get along with just based on ur star sign. Just remember, you don’t have to be friends with everyone, especially if you’re any of these signs below.

Aries & Cancer

Aries are bold, adventurous, outspoken, and ruled by Mars. This ruling planet can make Aries aggressive and passionate in a way that comes off as overbearing. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Cancer is ruled by the Moon. The Moon allows Cancer to be nurturing, peaceful, and emotional, almost like they are the mothers of the zodiac. Opposites can attract, but not in this case. Cancers and Aries are so far on opposite ends that these major differences will always place a roadblock on their path to any type of relationship. The way these two signs communicate, one being blunt and brash and the other being sensitive and easy-tempered, will never allow them to see eye-to-eye. 

Gemini & Scorpio

Geminis are ruled by Mercury, so they are extroverted and thrive on socializing or being in situations where they can yap it up with friends. The opposite of that is a Scorpio, who is ruled by Pluto and can be secretive, intense, and closed-off. Scorpios can feel extremely jealous that a Gemini can blend in and chat with everyone they come in contact with because a Scorpio is incapable of letting their guard down long enough to have a deep conversation with anyone. These two personality types will clash. Geminis will feel locked down and Scorpios will feel jealous resentment. 

Sagittarius & Taurus

Jupiter rules Sagittarius, which gives them their sense of adventure and a deep need for wanderlust. Taureans are ruled by Venus, so they tend to be stable and not super comfortable with any type of change. Because Sagittarius seeks out adventure and wants to travel, their schedules are erratic and they make plenty of spontaneous decisions. This will drive a Taurus mad because they can’t anticipate any of the moves from a Sagittarius or even plan for them. This may cause the Taurus to feel possessive and the last thing Sagittarius wants is to be possessed.