5 Zodiac Signs With Unbreakable Phoenix Souls
The phoenix is a legendary bird from ancient mythology. Strikingly beautiful, it lives for hundreds of years before it sets itself ablaze, dies in the fire, but then suddenly and heroically arises from the ashes to start a new life.
The phoenix symbolizes immortality, resilience, transformation, and a never-say-die attitude. No matter how much adversity it faces, it withstands the heat and emerges stronger than ever. People who have the soul of a phoenix are tough. They accept that life is not always easy, but they also refuse to let the bad times break them.
Here are five zodiac signs that have the soul of a phoenix. When the dust settles, they are the last ones standing.
1. Leo
As a fire sign ruled by the Sun, Leo the Lion has the phoenix’s symbolism baked into its identity. The Sun, which gives life and vitality to everything in our solar system, is that fiery orb which most closely resembles the bonfire through which the phoenix purges itself and emerges reborn. Confident and self-assured, regal and authoritarian, Leos radiate strength and charisma. They are like a birthday candle that gets blown out, only to reignite itself and burn brighter each time. What does not kill Leo only makes them stronger.
2. Scorpio
In traditional astrology, the Scorpion is ruled by Mars, which in Roman mythology was the god of War. In modern astrology, Scorpio’s ruler is Pluto, the cold and remote dwarf planet that guides destruction, transformation, and rebirth. These two ruling planets, old and new, combine to give Scorpio the attitude of a warrior fearlessly heading into battle, ready to die and then be reborn. Scorpios are willing to withstand a thousand struggles, any one of which would break a lesser being. They make for such an intense phoenix that they scare away the fire.
3. Capricorn
Capricorns are the most goal-oriented of all the signs. Their ruling planet Saturn governs tenacity and keeping their eyes on the prize. Capricorns are neither optimistic nor pessimistic—they’re realistic. They realize that it takes the discipline of an Olympic gold medalist to survive the things that life will sometimes throw at them. They don’t get distracted by unexpected obstacles and temporary setbacks. In fact, such things only make them strive harder. They get knocked down, but they get up again.
4. Aries
A fire sign ruled by Mars, the Ram has the brave and heroic spirit of the ancient Spartans. Natural-born problem-solvers, they use adversity as fuel to fan their inner flame. They will take a lemon and make lemonade out of it. They will use a rainy day to make flowers grow. Eager to rise to any challenge, they charge headfirst into a seemingly insurmountable blockade and smash it to smithereens with their horns. Losing is never an option for them.
5. Sagittarius
Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, Sagittarius is blessed with a cheerful and unyielding sense of confidence that makes them the most adventurous, daring, and curious of all the signs. Just like movies would be dull if there were no plot twists or drama, Sags realize that life would be boring if every moment was always happy, sunny, and carefree. They live for challenges. They want life to throw some dilemmas at them. They will stoically endure a long night of sorrows because they know that the Sun will always rise in the end—just like the phoenix does.