5 Zodiacs Turning A Corner Before The End Of The Year
The thing about turning a corner is that you can’t see what’s coming. Your sight is focused on the horizon, and your eyes can’t make a 90 degree turn. You get closer and closer with each step, but to what remains a mystery. Gemini hates not knowing what’s around that corner. They need to plan everything ahead, down to the minute, but life rarely grants us that luxury. The harder they try to make their goals adhere to a timetable, the more they realize how much is truly out of their control, and the more overwhelmed they become. This time, thankfully, they will be blindsided by something truly positive. Something they’ve been hoping and dreaming for. Gemini learns that it’s not a question that can be solved by an equation. They could not have willed this any sooner, could not have ‘deserved’ it more, could not have made it ‘keep up’ with their peers. That positive change was simply waiting there around that particular corner until Gemini was ready for that step of the journey.
Cancer is turning a corner before the end of the year because they need a change of scenery. Like a tourist in a foreign city, Cancer simply arrives at an intersection in their life and decides to change course on a whim because they like what they can see from a particular vantage point and are driven to explore further. It’s this curious nature that keeps Cancer engaged with life and open to all of its possibilities. They aren’t racing toward any one destination and don’t worry about getting lost or taking the wrong turn. They let their heart guide them and feel empowered rather than overwhelmed by the power to choose their own course. Each choice leads to a new discovery, and Cancer collects those experiences as their own without trying to calculate how much better or worse they are than the paths Cancer ultimately did not take. To Cancer, turning a corner is simply something they feel in their gut, part of the natural rhythm of life.
Libra is turning a corner before the end of the year because they’ve traveled as far in one direction as is physically possible. Whether the dead end they’ve reached is an industrial perpendicular meeting of two roads or something without a clear beginning or end, like the beach slowly giving way into the ocean, Libra knows they’ve followed this course to its natural conclusion. There will be no second guessing any part of this segment of their journey as they leave it behind. They have fully explored its possibilities and can feel confident shifting their focus towards whatever new path lies ahead. They will feel a distinct transition between old and new, like a paved road giving over to cobblestones, and the change of scenery will have a direct impact on their mood and state of being. Libra is more comfortable with these shifts than other signs, knowing that life has its seasons and we’d be remiss if we didn’t fully lean into each as they make their way into our lives.
Capricorn turns a corner the same way a business becomes profitable—through continuous and extended effort. It’s like turning a sailboat as the wind changes direction. Capricorn needs to pull the right ropes and levers at the right time, to capture the energy at its source and use it to propel themselves forward. They change direction because they have no other choice if they want to keep moving forward. Without responding to external factors, they will stall, stranding themselves in a vast ocean far from assistance. Luckily, Capricorn is aware of the risks and fully equipped to handle the task at hand. They’ve trained and studied for this moment, and now it’s simply a question of executing a series of tasks to get the desired result. It’s this ability to quickly react to the world around them that will allow them to reach incredible speeds and travel unbelievable distances. The faith they’ve been fostering in themselves will be justified by their tangible success.
Pisces turns the corner before the end of this year like a languishing invalid from the 19th century. Be it a Brontë or a Beth, everyone close to them has been worried if they would pull through this latest struggle without any modern ‘medicine’ to turn to as a recourse. Whatever Pisces has been going through simply had to run its course without any quick fix. The experience has given them much time alone to think, rest, and heal, in more ways than one, and they are now preparing to get back on their feet both literally and figuratively. To the joy of those around them, they are showing signs that a full recovery is close at hand, but while in all ways but one they will be back to their old selves, Pisces has been forever changed by this experience. The progress they make from here on out comes with new perspectives, and the way they move through the world from here on out comes with a new level of appreciation for what they’ve been through.