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5 Zodiacs Who Aren’t Scared To Send The First Text

Some zodiacs are naturally shy. They won’t want to bother you by sending the first message – or maybe they’re so busy that the thought of texting doesn’t even cross their mind. But other zodiacs aren’t going to hesitate to reach out to their favorite people. Here are some zodiacs who usually send the first text:


Taurus, sometimes you wonder whether you’re the one who cares more because you’re always stuck texting your family and friends first. You’re always the one reaching out to them and hoping that they return the favor. You wish that other people would take initiative every once in a while so you don’t have to do the work, but when you decide to stay silent, you risk not talking to anyone at all. Just remember, some people aren’t good at texting. Some people aren’t as social as you. Their silence doesn’t mean they don’t care.


Libras usually send the first text because they like to keep in touch with their favorite people. They don’t want to grow too distant, so they try to have regular conversations with their partners, families, and friends. Libras are one of the kindest, gentlest signs in the zodiac and aren’t afraid to admit how they feel. They aren’t embarrassed to text first all the time because they want others to know how much they care. They want to give affection. They want to make it clear that you mean something to them.


Geminis love to talk – and text – as much as humanly possible. Once they consider you a friend (or start to date you), they’re going to reach out to you whenever a random thought pops into their brain, whenever something reminds them of you, whenever the mood strikes. You should never go too long without hearing from a Gemini because they have plenty to share with you. They can always keep the conversation going, even if you only talked yesterday.


Pisces always have someone on their mind – and not reaching out first will only make themselves miserable. This sign can’t last long without hearing from their favorite people, but that’s okay because they don’t mind reaching out first. They are excellent at coming up with conversation starters and making others feel heard because they are social butterflies. They care deeply about people and want to connect as much as possible, as deeply as possible.


Virgos usually send the first text because they are ruled by logic, not by emotion. If they want to have a conversation with you, they won’t let fear or embarrassment change their mind. They are going to do what they feel is best, and if that means having a conversation with you in order to keep the relationship alive, that is exactly what they will do. Virgos are active players in their own lives. They don’t want to be too passive. They want to do whatever it takes to bring them (and others) happiness. In their mind, sending a text isn’t a big deal at all.