Alexander Mass

5 Zodiacs Who Will Experience a Secret Love Affair In Late March / Early Spring

On March 27th at 9:13 am, seductive Venus forms a conjunction with romantic Neptune in elusive Pisces. Falling head-over-heels in love with a mysterious partner is strongly indicated for 2 zodiacs. The thrill of having a delicious secret will give these signs a powerful glow that is impossible to ignore. Whether this union turns out to be tremendous or toxic remains to be seen. One thing is certain, however: these zodiacs are in store for an exciting ride with this transit.


Normally, Aries is content to wear their heart on their sleeve. That won’t be the case in late March, when they encounter a shy love interest that makes their pulse pound. Rather than making a loud declaration of love, this zodiac will whisk their beloved to a private hideaway where they can express their passion freely and unreservedly.

The reason for all this secrecy is simple. Venus and Neptune are joining in Aries’s 12th House of Secrets. Instead of rushing to change their social media status to “in a relationship,” Aries will wisely take time to cultivate this romance past the obsession stage and into one of steady, quiet devotion. Once Venus goes direct on April 12th,  both parties will be ready to go public with their union. Until then, expect Rams to be uncharacteristically secretive about their schedules. 


When Venus and Neptune meet in the Lion’s 8th House of Mystery, a clandestine relationship is virtually guaranteed. This larger-than-life zodiac will be powerfully drawn to a dreamy-eyed artist in late March. Instead of going public with this romance, superstar Leo will opt to keep it under wraps. 

That’s because this union will be so blissful that the prospect of sharing it with the world will fill Lions with dismay. Ultimately, Leo won’t be able to hide their relationship past April 12th, when Venus goes direct. Until then, if anybody notices that their favorite Lion is MIA, it’s probably because they’re having a passionate romp with their beloved in some out-of-the-way trysting place.