Apricot Berlin

6 Concrete Signs You’re Attracting Harmful Energy

You need to be careful about who you let into your inner circle because they will impact your mood more than you realize. That’s why it’s so important to surround yourself with encouraging friends who hype you up and make you feel incredible about yourself. Here are some signs that you’ve been attracting the wrong energy lately and hanging out with people who are only going to bring you down:

Everyone around you is a proud pessimist.

Most of your conversations are complaints about people that you can’t stand, careers you can’t stand, weather you can’t stand, music and movies and shows you can’t stand. The list goes on and on. Although it’s perfectly normal to rant with your closest friends, and you obviously can’t be positive all the time, complaints shouldn’t be the only basis of conversation. You shouldn’t only dwell on the negatives without bringing up anything positive, whether it’s an achievement you’ve made or a fun film you’ve watched recently. Too much negativity is only going to make you feel worse. It’s a monster that feeds itself.

Hanging out with your friends is draining.

Instead of energizing you and making you laugh, they make you feel worse about yourself. You walk away from every interaction feeling even more upset than you did before. Maybe it’s because they were teasing you and tearing you down. Or maybe it’s because they were talking about too much drama in their own lives and stressing you out. But either way, every single hangout session ends up making you miserable.

You’re uncomfortable sharing anything too personal.

You feel like your friends would judge you over your biggest dreams and fears, so you keep them to yourself. You don’t feel like they would encourage you to reach your potential. You feel like they’re more likely to poke holes in your plans and make you doubt whether you’re making the right move. They are the opposite of supportive.

Your stomach drops when their names appear on your phone.

You aren’t excited to hear from them. A part of you dreads it because you know the conversation is going to lead to some sort of drama. You know you’re going to end up emotionally drained by the interaction before you even hear what it is that they have to say.

You have lost all motivation.

The people surrounding you are perfectly comfortable with things the way they are (even though they’re miserable), and that idea of settling has rubbed off on you. Since they aren’t making any moves to change their lives, you aren’t interested in changing yours either. Remember, the people around you can have a surprising impact on your own behavior, so if you want more motivation to make this life one you love, try searching for people who are doing the same. People who will inspire you and motivate you to reach your fullest potential.

You’re generally unhappy with your social life.

Remember, you don’t owe anyone your time or attention. If someone is no longer a welcome presence in your life, you can remove them. And you can work on surrounding yourself with people who are healthier for you. People who will make you excited about hanging out and excited about what you have to offer this world as a whole.