Hebert Santos

6 Unexpectedly Witchy Zodiacs According To Tarot

The stereotypical image we have of witches, shaped by pop culture, is usually something along the lines of an ugly hag with an unnaturally big nose who flies around on a broomstick. However, that isnā€™t necessarily the case. To be a witch, you donā€™t need a cauldron or a book of spells. The way I see it, a witch is essentially someone who knows how to manipulate the energy around them. This is a very broad definition but the art of the occult is a broad practice with no right or wrong way of going about it. It is a varied practice and every person has their method based on personal experiences and whatever works for them. With that said, the following signs are unsuspecting witches according to tarot. They may be practicing the art of the occult in their normal day-to-day lives without even realizing it.


You may or may not agree Taurus, but you are secretly a witch (or maybe you did know deep down). Your sign is connected to The Hierophant which represents values, faith, tradition, and structure. It can also represent long-practiced organized religions or spiritual beliefs. With that said, itā€™s not a stretch to say that you are connected to Wicca. Wicca is a neo-pagan religion that takes liberties from several different ancient beliefs. Wicca is associated with its deities that represent or embody the Divine Feminine or Divine Masculine. Like many organized religions, there are many branches of this practice. Each of which [pun not intended] contains its own laws and rules to follow and live by. You are a naturally spiritual person. You may practice religion for the sake of tradition, but much of the time, you are someone who has their own ideas of spirituality based on the experiences youā€™ve had and the things you may have read.

You are also likely to practice ceremonies or rituals of your own making. These rituals can be something as simple as waking up at the same time every day, making your coffee, and starting your work for the day. Perhaps you have a certain self-care ritual that you practice every night before bed or once a week to unwind after a long week. All these forms of self-care or self-imposed structure have a lot to do with your witchy tendencies. If these rituals arenā€™t performed to your liking, it could potentially throw your entire day off. It is a way for you to set yourself up for success and manifest the things you wish to see come true. You have faith in yourself and because of this strong sense of faith in what is and what is not, you are easily able to manifest the things you want.


I know youā€™re probably reading this right now and thinking to yourself ā€œAbsolutely notā€, but bear with me, Virgo. I think people in general underestimate the witchy tendencies that you frequently display without meaning to. You are represented by The Hermit tarot card, which symbolizes self-imposed isolation, deep introspection, and wisdom. Because you tend to prefer your own company regularly, you are naturally inclined towards introspection and using meditation to not only clear your head, but manage stress and unburden yourself of whatever emotions or worries that do not service you in life. You go to great lengths to protect your energy and will even cut people off if you feel like they are draining you which is veryā€¦ ā€œwitchā€ like dare I say.

You are associated with the ā€œVirgin Maryā€. This is not to say that you are literally a virgin or are ā€œpureā€, this just means that you belong to yourself and no one else. Like The Hermit, you walk this path of life alone. With that said, your need for isolation is a means of protecting yourself from negative energy and people. And while you are incredibly choosey of the people you allow into your life, itā€™s not uncommon for you to disappear from everyone for a while and go into isolation. Others might see this as unhealthy or assume youā€™re depressed, but itā€™s not either of those things. You enjoy reconnecting with yourself, your heart, and your place in the world. Through this mediation and self-imposed isolation, you find yourself studying the secrets of the universe and shifting your understanding of the world based on the experiences youā€™ve had. This can be seen as a form of witchcraft because everyoneā€™s practice is so different and unique to them. You can attune yourself to the universe and understand your purpose in this life. Once youā€™ve answered the questions about yourself and the world, you are ready to re-emerge socially equipped with a deeper understanding of life.


You are a dark witch who practices chaos magick, Scorpio. This has much to do with your signā€™s connection to the Death tarot card. What this means is that you follow a philosophical path and study man and his symbols. In life, the closest we get to death is through sleep or sex and so you love the idea of alternated states of conciseness as a means of seeing past the veil of perception. While others may see you as a bit of a goth (whether in your appearance or just your overall disposition), you see yourself as someone who just understands the inevitability of life and death and you match the cycles of transformation and rebirth in your personal life. You are rather in tune with the four seasons and your energy is very influenced by this. Through your own unique form of witchcraft, you are constantly evolving yourself. Perhaps this plays out in your ever-evolving fashion choices and aesthetic arrangement. Or this may come out in the hexes and spells you cast against those who cross you without realizing it.

Oh yes, itā€™s a mistake to fuck with you, and a lot of people have paid the price for this whether you realize it or not. This is because you know how to raise your vibrations and transform yourself and a situation for the better. You are not tied to the past and choose to evolve into whoever you want next. You are fascinated by the mysteries of life and go to great lengths to understand what lies beyond our veil of perception. Whereas many of the other signs are uncomfortable with the thought of death, you are obsessed with it. You are excited by the mysteries of life and use your acceptance of death as the source of your power. You are rather good at detaching yourself from your ego and exploring different levels of consciousness to see life and yourself from an objective perspective. But without a doubt, your greatest witchy strength is your acceptance and fascination with death. You are not afraid of truth and knowledge. You are not afraid of embracing the reality of life and inevitable death. And because you are not in denial like most people are, you can utilize this magic and make the most of life.


I have a feeling you are the least surprised to find yourself on this list, Sagittarius. Perhaps you donā€™t necessarily prefer the label ā€œwitchā€, regardless youā€™ve always known yourself to have a profoundly acute intuition. What truly defines you as one of the more ā€œwitchyā€ signs of the chart is your connection to the Temperance tarot card and the art of alchemy. Alchemy is the practice of blending, combining, and mixing various elements to render an unlimited list of new permutations. With that said, you are a bit of an eclectic witch. You can create your own practice using your creativity as your guide. Like the alchemist, you are naturally skilled at taking multiple permutations at a lower vibration and transforming them into something at a higher vibration. So for example, combining different colored paints, a blank canvas, and creative energy to create a work of art. Or using your emotions, ideas/concepts, and communicating those feelings and abstractions through words to create poetry.

You probably come from a long line of witches or have members of your family and past ancestors who were very heavily involved in the occult. If not, then you probably come from a family of artists or are an artist yourself. Your practice involves creating harmony between your heart and the world around you. Perhaps you are a painter or a poet combining the emotions you feel with the observations you have of the world to create a work of art that leaves its viewers deeply affected. The thing about art or expression in general, is that it is a way to connect with people around the world. It is a way of taking the love that you feel and creating something symbolic of those emotions in a way that it feels like a living breathing creation that others can find a piece of themselves in. You stand out in your ability to touch the hearts of others through the art that you create. Art is magic. You can cast spells that stimulate peopleā€™s hearts in a way that they can feel the emotions you emit through your creations.


You might be surprised to find yourself on this list, Capricorn because you are an earth sign and tend to be more grounded than the rest of the zodiacs. However, you may be indulging in the art of the occult and exhibiting some witchy traits without even realizing it. If youā€™re not convinced, letā€™s look at your assigned tarot card, The Devil. The Devil tarot card represents the pitfalls of humanity and the pursuit of material pleasure even at the cost of sanity.

With that said, you have a natural understanding of human temptation, humanityā€™s pursuit of pain and pleasure, and exactly how to exploit that to your advantage. You know how to read between the lines and can read people like a book just based on the energy that they emit. Some even think of you as a bit of a mind reader. You utilize taboos, temptation, and the art of seduction as bargaining chips to get the things that you want usually unintentionally. You just have a natural and effortless way of getting what you want and at times you utilize your sexuality to put a spell on others. Some may see you as manipulative but I might argue that youā€™re an unsuspecting witch that knows intuitively how to cast the right spells. Not only that, you might not realize this but youā€™re constantly practicing glamour which is the act of adorning yourself with specific colors, fabrics, scents, or makeup, to both transform how you feel about yourself and also influence the way others view you. Itā€™s more than just dressing to impress, itā€™s a means of dictating the energy you put out which in turn affects the energy you receive from others. Itā€™s also a way for you to set your intentions for the day and manifest the results you wish to see. So like The Devil, you understand the importance of appearances.


What sets you apart as a witch, Aquarius is your uncanny ability to read the synchronicities from the universe and understand the signs that it sends you. You are represented by The Star tarot card which illustrates the history of humanity and the mythology of the stars that paint our nighttime sky. Youā€™re an unconventional free thinker and youā€™re naturally adept at connecting the dots and seeing the bigger picture that the universe has painted. While others may view you as a bit aloof or eccentric, you have a very deep understanding of the human psyche and the power that our minds have on our physical existence. You understand that everything is connected and everything happens for a reason and itā€™s not a coincidence that these synchronicities keep occurring.

You are naturally quite good at different forms of occult, more notably tarot as that practice has a lot to do with reading the signs and essentially telling a story of the person that you are reading for, similar to the way our ancestors told stories using the stars around campfires. And if we look at The Star tarot card, we can see the illustration depicts a naked woman pouring water onto the earth and into the water. Her actions represent the practice of alchemy which is the art of combining several different elements to create new permutations. The practice of Witchcraft is very similar to alchemy. Both use energy to create. With that said, you are able to turn chaos into art and find structure in the absurd.