7 Zodiacs Experiencing The Plot Twist Of Their Year This Halloween
For whatever reason, the craziest plot twists of the year always seem to happen during Fall. It’s a canon experience that every Zodiac sign can personally attest to. However, these are the signs that will be most impacted come Halloween night. Halloween represents death which in tarot means change, the end of cycles, transformation. It is no wonder that for Halloween, we wear costumes to embody the image and role of someone unlike ourselves. It is on this night that we feel free to express ourselves in a way that gives us a break from the masks we normally wear in our day-to-day lives. With this freedom of expression, it is a catalyst for many unforeseen plot twists that can profoundly affect us. Though everyone is affected by this, the following signs will especially be experiencing unforeseen plot twists.
With everything that is happening astrologically in your sign, Aries, all of this could be culminating into one grand plot twist come Halloween night. First, you had the Hunter Super Moon on October 17th elevation your relationships, romantic or otherwise, to a new level. There was also Pluto ending its retrograde in your sign on October 11th closing out a long period of instability. As a result, Halloween night could hold some pleasant surprises for you, Aries. You will be embracing a life that you’ve been working tirelessly towards. You might be officially committing to a brand new relationship or committing to a dream job that you’ve been working hard to attain. In regards to your love life, the person you have your eye on or are currently dating may finally open up about their true feelings for you in a way that you never saw coming. As their walls come down, so will yours. It is Halloween after all, so take off the mask you normally wear in your day-to-day life, and don’t be afraid to express a different side of yourself.
At the start of October, you had the partial solar eclipse highlighting your 5th house of romance and creativity. As a result, this entire month you’ve found yourself opening up to new possibilities. Perhaps you’ve had your eye on someone who isn’t your normal type. Or maybe you’ve been spending time with someone as just a friend only to realize that you may have deeper romantic feelings for them than you ever expected. With that said, on Halloween night those feelings of budding romance may come into full bloom. You are no longer denying yourself of your true feelings, trying to convince yourself that they’re just a friend. On this night you might realize that you want something more than just a friendship. Whichever costume you choose for Halloween night, you might find yourself embodying that character and acting like someone new. Someone more confident, bold, and not afraid to tell the world how you truly feel. And although it is just a costume you wear for the night, whether you realize it or not, you will be feeling more yourself than you have in a long time.
You’re in for quite an unexpected adventure come Halloween night, Cancer. After the Pluto retrograde came to an end on October 11th, the after-effects of it will ripple through Halloween night. There is also a Mercury transit which could spur about unexpected yet rewarding journeys. And because your sign is associated with The Chariot tarot card, you are someone who is no stranger to the thrill of leaving your place of comfort, having exciting experiences, then returning home and back to your roots. You are someone who, no matter where life takes you, stays true to who you’ve always been. So with that said, this Halloween, you might be changing things up this year. The plans you have set may switch up last second which could entail some surprising developments regarding your love life or family life. This Halloween could also mark the end of an era hence why you’re celebrating the holiday a little bit differently this year.
On Halloween night, Leo, you might be ending a chapter that was very meaningful to you. This is most likely in regards to your close relationships but could also have to do with switching your career goals around and pursuing something new yet unexpected that aligns more with your true being. But as I said before, this conclusion will most likely have to do with either a relationship or a long-standing friendship. This entire month you may have found yourself hoping that things between you and this person could be resolved. Waiting to hear from them so that you can both repair the relationship. Yet on Halloween night, you might finally realize that it is best to let them go forever. The true nature of their being may come out and make you realize that they were never the person that you thought they were this entire time. I’m sorry if this is not exactly the message that you were hoping for or the plot twist that you wanted on Halloween, but I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results of this once October 31st rolls around.
Expect the unexpected, Virgo. If there are any dreams that you have for this month yet don’t actually believe will come true for you, Halloween night might prove you wrong. What you hope for is very likely to occur. If there is someone you’re hoping to run into, don’t be surprised if you find yourselves crossing paths yet again. Or perhaps as of right now you have no plans and are scheduled to work this night so you’re accepting the fact that you’re gonna have to sit this year out and wait til next Halloween to enjoy the holiday. Some unexpected changes might occur, resulting in you having the sort of night you never planned for. So there’s still time for things to change. Get that Halloween costume ready just in case because you might need something to wear at the last second.
With Mercury in your sign, you may be uncovering certain secrets. Trust your gut, Scorpio. If something feels off, that’s because it’s probably true. Halloween night you may find yourself asking questions that you don’t want to know the answer to. And as painful as it might be, you must hear the truth so that you have the option to act accordingly. They say that ignorance is bliss, but is it truly bliss to live a lie? Do you really want to base your reality on an illusion? Because at any moment, the emotional foundation that you once thought was solid may crumble before you resulting in more pain than if you had heard the truth earlier.
If there was something from your past that you were holding on to that has prevented you from moving on with your life, then this Halloween may provide you with the closure that you’ve been searching for. This is especially likely considering the end of the Pluto retrograde which has been affecting your sign directly for the past sixteen years. Thus a long period of emotional instability and constant introspection will finally come to an end. You will be able to enter a new era of your life, embodying a version of yourself that you never thought you could become. In a way, this Halloween night, you are becoming the person you were meant to be. In a way, you’re not dressing up in a pretend costume, but rather you are reintroducing the world to the new you. Halloween is associated with themes of death which represents rebirth and new beginnings. Of all the signs on the chart, you will be affected the most deeply. With that said, whatever plans you have made for the night, don’t be surprised if you end up doing something completely different. Halloween night won’t go at all according to plan but in a very serendipitous way. This might feel like the final page of a profound chapter of your life as you step into your new journey.