Relationship Habits Your Zodiac Must Break To Find (And Keep) Love
We all have them – bad relationship habits we can’t quit, no matter how toxic things get. Astrology holds up a mirror so we can not only recognize our relationship patterns but also learn how to break them to find lasting love. Check your sun sign below to discover the relationship habit you need to break. If it doesn’t resonate, check your moon and Venus signs from your birth chart, as these placements relate to emotions and romance. Here’s what your zodiac sign has to quit to find, and keep love.
Aries: Stop Looking For The Next Best Thing
Aries is such a competitive, fast-moving sign, that you’re always looking for the next best thing and how you can get it. Unfortunately, this extends to relationships, too – even if you’re part of a happy couple, you can’t help but wonder if the grass is greener on the other side. This doesn’t mean that you should settle for a bad relationship – but if you have a good thing going on, don’t ruin it by assuming there’s always “better” out there.
Taurus: Stop Settling For What’s Comfortable
You love being in love, gentle Taurus, and you’re happiest in a committed relationship. You also like getting cozy and sticking to your comfortable routine. Unfortunately, this means you may settle for relationships or partners that aren’t good for you because you’d rather stick to what you know than make changes. When the relationship starts to sour, you need to reevaluate if you’re with the right person and, if not, move on instead of clinging to your comfort zone.
Gemini: Stop Trying On Personalities
You’re so outgoing and charming, you can easily form a connection with almost anyone. And you have so many interests and sides of your personality you want to explore, it’s hard to find one person who can satisfy all your desires. To find “the one,” you’ve got to get very real with yourself about who you are and what you want. Try making a list of the most important values, lifestyle choices, and whatever you want for yourself and in a partner. Instead of becoming who everyone else wants you to be, focus on finding your truest self first; then the right partner will come along naturally.
Cancer: Stop Sharing Emotions With Your Partner
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t open up about your emotions, sweet Cancer. Of course you should express yourself and tell your loved one about your feelings. But you should stop literally sharing emotions with your partner – you must learn to separate their feelings from your own. Your strong empathy means you often feel responsible for other people’s emotions, especially your partner’s. And you expect them to be as empathetic in return, making them responsible for your feelings. Although you’re a couple, you’re two separate people, and neither of you should be entirely dependent on the other to feel okay.
Leo: Stop Constantly Putting Yourself First
This doesn’t mean you should lose yourself to a relationship, dear Leo – some zodiacs may struggle with that, but not you. If anything, you tend to put yourself first too much in relationships. This may be hard to hear because no one could deny that you’re wildly generous and attentive in love. But you also usually consider your own feelings and desires before your partner’s. Ask yourself what they really want and need before making your next move, and see how your relationship flourishes.
Virgo: Stop Trying To “Fix” Your Partner
You know you have high standards, careful Virgo, and you’re not willing to settle when it comes to a partner – nor should you! But sometimes, you date people who don’t meet all your criteria because you think you can “fix” them. But the truth is, you need to match with someone you don’t feel the urge to change, right from the start. Let yourself fall in love with the person, not their potential. And if you feel in your gut that they’re not the right fit from the beginning, let them go early instead of trying to fix them.
Libra: Stop Avoiding Being Single
Some zodiacs struggle to enter relationships for myriad reasons, adorable Libra, but not you! You love being part of a couple, so much so that you usually hop from one serious romance to another. But you tend to take on the personality traits, desires, and interests of the people you date – and if you’re always with someone, you never get to know yourself. You need some time alone to figure out who you truly are and what you want in life. If you’re already in a committed relationship and reading this, try scheduling a solo date or an outing with friends, without your partner. A little time alone can go a long way in your personal development, and everyone knows you’re always trying to improve yourself, Libra.
Scorpio: Stop Mistaking Physical Intimacy For Love
As the star sign that rules the genitals, you just might be the sexiest zodiac, smoldering Scorpio! You also crave a deep level of intimacy with your partner – you want to know every little thing about your partner, and for them to take the time to learn everything about you. But sometimes, you don’t think with your head, and you mistake physical intimacy for an emotional connection. And you may rush the physical aspect of your relationship, hoping it will form that deeper bond you crave. When you learn to distinguish love from lust, and determine how to read that distinction in others, you will find “the one” you deserve.
Sagittarius: Stop Running Away
You like having a partner to join you on your adventures, free-spirited Sagittarius, but it’s not the most important thing to you. You hate feeling tied down, and you won’t let anyone rain on your parade. When you’re dating someone and it starts to get serious or you hit roadblocks, you tend to run. But a good relationship won’t make you feel stifled; it will make your life feel even bigger. Allow yourself to commit to someone, and work through the tough times together. When you fight the urge to flee at the first sign of trouble, the reward will be greater than you could have ever imagined.
Capricorn: Stop Avoiding Vulnerability
You guard your heart so fiercely, cautious Capricorn, that most people never get to see your soft side. But deep down, you are extremely gentle, loving, and nurturing. It’s just that you rarely let yourself be vulnerable with others, and they are dying to see what lies beneath your serious, stoic surface. Take risks, share how you’re feeling, and let people in – yes, this means you may experience some heartbreak. But your heart is stronger than you think, and without risking the break you’ll never find the right one to hold it gently forever.
Aquarius: Stop Avoiding Commitment
You hate labels, quirky Aquarius, and you don’t feel the need to “define” your relationships in conventional ways. As a natural innovator, you dislike traditions and want to create your own path in love. But your reluctance to label your dynamic with your partner is really just avoiding commitment. If you’re in a relationship in every sense of the word, just minus the label, you’re still in a relationship. It’s okay to commit to someone and define your relationship, whatever that looks like to you and your partner.
Pisces: Stop Romanticizing Everyone
You adore being in love, sweet Pisces, and you have a boundless imagination. Unfortunately, this means that you tend to put others on a pedestal, romanticizing them as your dream partner despite hardly knowing them at all. When you inevitably discover who the person truly is and the illusion shatters, so does your heart. You’ve got to stop turning everyone into your perfect match in your mind before learning the first thing about them. Love people for who they are, not how you envision them to be.