Outlook For Love On 2/4 As Venus Enters Aries, According To An Astrologist + Tarot Reader
On February 4, 2025, lover Venus enters the realm of fiery Aries. This transit promises ambitious lovers eager to initiate steamy affairs, connections, and milestones.
How will this Aries Venus transit impact you, according to Tarot?
Aries: The Lovers
As Venus transits your sign, it’s no surprise your love factor heightens. The Lovers represents romance and the opportunity to evolve into your Higher Self. Choose your potential, not your fears, each step of the way.
Taurus: Queen of Cups Reversed
There’s a need to introspect this Aries Venus transit. Taurus, your heart is all over the place. Get intentional about your longings in relationships. How can you be productively aligned with your connective goals?
Gemini: Nine of Cups Reversed
You want to fulfill your romantic wishes, but something is not clicking. Sometimes, we get what we longed for, only to find that it wasn’t what we truly needed all along to find satisfaction.
Cancer: Seven of Cups
You want your cake and eat it, too! Whether it comes to love and dating or just putting too much on your plate all at once, you need to pace yourself. Focus on one emotional goal at a time to find fulfillment.
Leo: Justice
You’re looking for justice, ease, and fairness. The Aries Venus transit encourages you to stand for what’s right, whether for yourself or others. Remain true to your values.
Virgo: Page of Cups
In your romantic life, you’re eager to connect with childlike wonder and joy. Even in your social life, you may feel more inspired, creative, or lighthearted. Embrace new beginnings and foster fresh connections.
Libra: Ten of Swords Reversed
You’re beginning to heal during this Aries Venus transit from backstabbing or hurt in the past. As you recover emotionally, you’re able to stop carrying emotional baggage into your healthy relationships.
Scorpio: Five of Cups Reversed
You’ve been feeling drained, lost, or hurt. However, emotional recovery and hope are in order, flipping the script for the better. Scorpio, you deserve to move on. Give yourself permission to seek brighter days.
Sagittarius: The Tower Reversed
That was a close one! This Aries Venus lesson teaches you invaluable lessons about self-preservation. You’ll need to face an ugly truth sooner rather than later. It may be uncomfortable but think of how much time you have saved by confronting matters now.
Capricorn: Knight of Wands Reversed
Your motivation is running thin this Aries Venus transit. Be sure to give yourself time to rest, reflect, and be intentional about your next moves. Otherwise, you may act out of character from a place of overwhelm or burnout.
Aquarius: Nine of Pentacles
This Aries Venus transit pushes you to be grounded and intentional on your own accord. Autonomy leads to success, fulfillment, and stability. Love for others must come from a foundation of self-love.
Pisces: The World
This Aries Venus transit will bring you greater fulfillment in your relationships. Your emotional labor and hard work will begin to pay off. Expect more miracles, profound developments, and fated blessings.