Jorge Ortiz

6 Zodiacs Drawn To Toxic Partners (Even Though They Know Better)


Aries signs are quite competitive, not just with themselves but with others. And so when it comes to relationships, they seek out someone who they perceive to be “a worthy match”. Someone who will push them to do better and achieve more. However, while this is a good attribute to seek in a partner, Aries also don’t like losing. They want their partner to push them but they will never let the partner beat them, if that makes sense. They will sometimes unintentionally crave a toxic dynamic where they constantly feel like they have to outdo their partner. Sometimes creating drama so that they have a way to “win” at the relationship. A toxic dynamic helps them facilitate this drive. As a Fire sign, they love the passion and the heat, and in a way, they also love when their partner pisses them off because it gives them the fuel to “win”.


Geminis are represented by The Lover’s tarot card. This might make one assume that Geminis crave security and stability in romance but that isn’t always the case. When it comes to relationships, Geminis represent both the highs that come with love as well as the painful lows because it makes the highs feel more rewarding and exciting. They seek an unrealistic love where they believe a lack of intense obsession and infatuation signals a lack of passion. They tend to be quite two-faced at the worst of times which can sometimes cause them to incite drama. In their mind, there is no love without hate. Toxicity is a means of reinforcing the fact that they love their partner and that their partner loves them back. They typically resent stability in a partner because it doesn’t match the duality of their being. There is no in-between for them. They find comfort in chaos, whether they realize it or not.


It is no secret that Leos love the validation that comes with attention. And to be fair, to some degree we all do. However, because of this, they often find themselves in toxic relationships with unfaithful partners. They love the chase because it helps them achieve the sense of validation they crave. They want what other people want and they enjoy when people envy them for their partner, but even if they get the partner they want, they spend the whole relationship fighting for their undivided attention to no end. They enjoy the push-and-pull dynamic. They see games as a challenge and enjoy the adventure of it all because they feel a deep need to “conquer” the competition.


Libras are represented by the Justice tarot card, meaning they crave balance, order, and fairness. So one would assume that Libras wouldn’t secretly crave toxic relationships but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. The thing is, Libras enjoy acting as the moderator. They are often the middleman between two conflicting people because they like to help others find a compromise. When it comes to dating, whether they realize it or not, Libras secretly seek out toxicity because they want to feel like the peacemakers in relationships. They like the idea of “fixing” their partner even if it comes at the detriment of their peace of mind. But typically their partners don’t respond well to trying to be “fixed” thus causing more toxicity and resentment amongst both sides. It’s hard for Libras to leave these dynamics because they feel a sense of responsibility over their partner and if for some reason the relationship starts failing, instead of walking away, they push harder otherwise they’ll see the unresolved conflict as a reflection of themselves.


When it comes to Scorpios, they love that melodramatic kind of love. For them, it’s “til death do us part even if it kills us”. They are quite intense people and apply this level of intensity to their relationships. As a result, their relationships tend to be volatile. They love as hard as they hate. This unconscious inclination towards toxic dynamics comes from the feeling of renewal they crave through the emotional lows. Repairing what has been broken provides them with a sense of rebirth. They secretly love it when there’s drama between them and their partner because they also secretly think the makeup sex is worth it. To them sex isn’t just a means of physical pleasure, it’s a means of deeper spiritual connection hence why they think having issues isn’t always a bad thing even if it is a bad thing.


As represented by the tarot card, The Devil, Capricorns seek to enjoy the pleasures of the physical world. They see nothing wrong with embracing our vices from time to time. However, this can lead to getting stuck in toxic relationships. They are the definition of “fuck around and find out.” If they go too far, they become slaves to material pleasures and this plays out in their love life in the form of a toxic relationship. They secretly love the intensity of toxic relationships and as much as they say they hate drama and appreciate people being straightforward with them, they truly enjoy the mind games of these sorts of dynamics. To them, it’s a challenge. They like trying to figure out their partner’s next move so that they can counter them and beat them to the punch. Capricorns aren’t narcissistic manipulators by nature of their sign, they just enjoy the game of mental gymnastics. They almost become addicted to the cycles of highs and lows because they wish to experience every aspect of the human condition, even the painful aspects. Capricorns will most likely never initiate drama in their relationships, but if they feel attacked by their partner, they will strike back ten times as hard. They want their partner to hurt as much or more than they do sometimes.