4 Zodiacs With Intuitive Powers To Heal Others
The verb “to heal” is derived from an Old High German word which means to “make whole,” or to return something to its former healthy state. Heal, whole, healthy—it’s all basically the same word.
Suffering is part of human existence, and whether the wound is psychological, spiritual, or physical, healers are among the most noble and esteemed personalities in every culture.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is like astrology in that it defines different personality types, but instead of using the stars’ alignment at your birth, you get classified after answering a series of questions about yourself. There are 16 Myers-Briggs types, while there are 12 zodiac signs. The INFP personality type—standing for “introverted, intuitive, feeling, perceiving—is known as “The Healer” or “The Mediator,” because they love helping others to resolve their problems.
Here are four zodiac signs who are like INFPs due to their soothing presence, their eagerness to offer emotional support, and the fact that they are far gentler and humbler than they are confrontational and self-centered.
1. Cancer
It’s an unfortunate stroke of fate that the zodiac’s most natural healer has a name that also signifies the world’s second-leading cause of death. But the astrological sign Cancer, named after a constellation in the Northern celestial hemisphere rather than a mutating-cell disorder, is ruled by the Moon, making them intuitive and maternal. They tend to be homebodies rather than adventurers, and they lovingly feather their nest so that it’s a supreme place of comfort—part sanctuary and part hospice.
2. Pisces
With Neptune—the planet of mysticism and transcendence—as their overseer, Pisces acts as an intercessor between the physical world and the metaphysical plane. Deeply empathic and intuitive, they can tell when you aren’t feeling well without you having to make a peep. They are the zodiac’s great listeners. Their gentle, calming demeanor gives them an uncanny knack for making you feel comfortable sharing your most intimate secrets while feeling totally secure that they’ll remain secrets. You won’t even be ashamed of crying around them—and few things can heal the soul better than a good cry.
3. Virgo
As an Earth sign, Virgo is grounded and stable. Being ruled by Mercury makes them wizards of communication. What better to heal what’s ailing you than a stable person who knows just the right thing to say at the right time, and exactly how to deliver the message? When you need to hear an encouraging word, Virgo is there, delivering it smoothly and with a smile. They can brighten your mood right when all seems hopeless and dark. As the ancient Greek poet Pindar put it, “The best of healers is good cheer.”
4. Capricorn
Problem-solvers by nature, Capricorns can remain calm amid chaos, offer solace in times of stress, and provide a safe space amid a raging storm. Don’t be fooled by their iron-hard work ethic and their tendency to be methodical, because it’s rooted from a profound conviction that the best way to pull others out of a pit of despair is to have a well-laid rescue plan and to stick to it. If they find a baby bird with an injured wing chirping desperately all alone in the middle of a field, they will scoop it up in their hands, take it home, and nurse it back to health until the day they can set it free to fly again.