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4 Zodiacs With Inner Compasses So Intuitive, They’re Like A Sixth Sense


If life had a secret recipe for success, Scorpio, there wouldn’t be a whole section of self-help books to browse. We could all just copy and paste the same algorithm into our own lives and expect to see the exact same results. But you are the only person who can figure out how your life is meant to be lived. The only one who can say for sure where you feel at home, accepted, and secure. You can’t force these things that are so dependent on chemistry, on genuine feeling. So go out into that big, wide, crazy world and experiment. Respond. React. Engage. Record your findings. The map isn’t something that can be handed to you, those boundaries have been yours to draw all along.


Believe it or not, Capricorn, there are still certain decisions in our lives that are devoid of any moral value. As rare as it is in our modern world to be able to avoid the task of making the ‘good’ decision instead of the ‘bad’ one, we still encounter those juvenile equivalents of what a toddler might throw a tantrum over. Sure, maybe we’ve moved past choosing which color sippy cup we want, and replaced it with wall art or shower curtains, but we’re still intensely drawn to certain things and not others. There’s no rhyme or reason to most of it, so you just have to learn to follow your gut without putting yourself through the wringer over every tiny decision. Just own your taste and stand behind it.


AI Chatbots can do a lot for us these days, Gemini, but typing in a novella length prompt to figure out if you should go on that third date is a little excessive, don’t you think? It’s time to ask yourself why you’re willing to go to such extreme lengths to take the mantle of decision making and place it on someone (or something) else’s shoulders (or code). Does the decision even need to be made at this exact moment? Could you go on that third and collect more data, see how you feel in that moment? Give life a chance to entertain you instead of feeling like every move you make is part of some chess endgame you can’t lose sight of?


It’s easy, Cancer, to assume that when everything around us feels completely bizarre, that we are the ones to blame. We’re the one who doesn’t get it, the one who doesn’t fit in, the one who just refuses to drink the ‘kool-aid’. But what if we trusted our gut? What if we flip the painting upside down? What if we are brave enough to consider the possibility that everyone around us just isn’t making sense? Is following a trend that looks ridiculous? Is kissing the ass of people who truly don’t deserve our respect? How would we move through the world differently if we knew it to be true? How more sure would each step we took be? How much kinder would the thoughts we have about ourselves be?