4 Zodiacs Who Feel Like They Wasted Their Summer
Jernej Graj

4 Zodiacs Who Feel Like They Wasted This Summer

Unfortunately, this summer didn’t go the way every sign expected it to. Some people were disappointed. Some people were underwhelmed. Here are some zodiacs who feel like they wasted their summer:


Growing up isn’t easy. When you were younger, you had so much more time to spend with your family and friends. And now? You’re always busy with chores or work or some other responsibility. Plus, so many people have moved away and aren’t within driving distance any longer. It’s hard to get in touch with each other, to make time for each other, even though you still care deeply about each other. You’ve been missing the days when you were able to relax over summer, without a care in the world. You’ve been wishing that you could reunite with those people who you’ve gone way too long without seeing face-to-face.


Even though you’re a hard worker and you aren’t afraid of putting effort into everything you do, you enjoy relaxation too. And you feel like you’ve barely had any time to yourself lately. You feel like your life consists of eating, sleeping, and working. There are never enough hours in the day to accomplish everything on your schedule, let alone time to relax. Even though you had big plans for this summer, you feel like you weren’t able to make most of them a reality. You feel like the months passed in the blink of an eye. But that’s okay. You can still find time to relax in the fall and winter. You can still make the most of the rest of this year. Hope isn’t lost yet. There is still time.


Libra, you’ve been feeling upset about how quickly this summer is coming to a close. After all, it doesn’t matter how much time you have to relax with the people you care about the most. It never feels like enough time. You always want more. You always wish you could extend the moment. Even though you had special moments this summer, you’re greedy for more. You want to spend more time with your friends and family. You want to go on more adventures. And you want to sleep in more without worrying about getting up at the crack of dawn. Summer is your favorite season, so you’re always upset when it ends. The winter always comes too soon, according to you.


Pisces, you are usually an optimist, so you feel uncomfortable saying that this summer was a complete waste – but it definitely didn’t live up to your expectations. You definitely didn’t get to accomplish everything on your to-do list. You would have liked for things to go differently, but you understand that you can’t change the past. You understand that you need to focus on what’s ahead of you instead of what’s behind. Your summer might not have gone according to plan, but you can make memories during the last months of this year. Just because the summer is nearly over doesn’t mean your fun has to be over.