How To Heal After A Toxic Relationship, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Focus on rediscovering yourself. On learning what you do and do not want out of a relationship and out of this world as a whole. You need time to heal, but while that time is passing, it’s important to ask yourself what you want moving forward. Figure out what will genuinely make you happy.
Focus on acceptance. Accept that you aren’t necessarily going to get closure. Accept that you aren’t able to make others love you or treat you right. Accept that you are powerless to do anything except walk away (and you should be proud of yourself for doing so).
Focus on self-love. Remember that this person’s validation does not matter. Remember that you don’t need a relationship to be happy. Remember that you are deserving of healthy love, from others and from yourself.
Focus on improving your confidence. Remember that you are a catch, whether this person realized it or not. Remember that your baggage doesn’t make you unlovable. Remember that your self-worth isn’t tied to your relationship status.
Focus on self-forgiveness. Don’t beat yourself up over the fact that you picked the wrong person or stayed with them for so long. Forgive yourself for not seeing the signs, for settling for less than you deserve. And vow to never let it happen again.
Focus on reprioritizing. Remember to put yourself first. Remember to focus on what matters the most to you. Remember that this is your life and you’re in charge of making your own decisions. You get to choose what matters and what you’re going to do with your time.
Focus on anything other than love. Don’t jump into a new relationship yet. Spend time with friends and family. Pursue your passions and hobbies. Distract yourself with work and movies and fun activities that make you happy. You can always gte into another relationship later.
Focus on fun. Go out with your friends. Go live your life. Do all the things that you were unable to do when you were in your toxic relationship. Breakups don’t have to be all bad, especially when you’re leaving someone bad for you. You are allowed to enjoy yourself.
Focus on being selfish. Remember there’s nothing wrong with putting yourself first for a change. Stop worrying about how others are going to react and ask yourself what you want. Do things that will make you feel happy and comfortable without worrying about outside reactions.
Focus on self-improvement. There’s nothing that you need to change about yourself to make yourself more lovable, but if there are areas where you’d like to see growth, focus on them. Now is the time to focus on you. The time to do what you’ve been putting off.
Focus on relaxation. Now that you’re free from your toxic relationship, it’s time to do something nice for yourself. Help yourself cope with the stress of your breakup by going to the salon, splurging on something you’ve been wanting, or simply taking a few days off to spend time with yourself.
Focus on the future. Try not to spend too long dwelling on the past. You’re allowed to shed a million tears and look through old photos, but don’t convince yourself that the past was better than this future you’ve been building for yourself. You’re doing the right thing. You’re on the right path. Try to look ahead, not behind.