Your Weekly Horoscope For December 17 - December 24
Twenty20 / wiesmannnn

Your Weekly Horoscope For December 17 – December 24


This week, don’t run away from your problems or pretend they’re nonexistent to avoid confrontation. Face what’s bothering you. Don’t procrastinate any longer because your problems will only snowball. It’s better to handle the obstacle now, before things get worse.


This week, make a point to get enough rest. Go to bed earlier or let yourself sleep in later, but whatever you do, don’t push yourself to exhaustion. Don’t run on coffee and adrenaline. Treat your body right. It will thank you.


This week, remember actions speak louder than words. Anyone can claim to care about you. Anyone can make promises. Anyone can say those three little words. Whether or not their actions match their words will tell you everything you need to know.


This week, don’t exert energy on people who aren’t worried about using their energy on you. You don’t belong in one-sided relationships or friendships. Surround yourself with people who care about you (and show it) in the same ways you care for them.


This week, cut down on the amount of things you say yes to doing. Don’t force yourself to complete a million different things in an absurd amount of time. Pace yourself. Be selective about where you choose to direct your time and energy.


This week, remember to breathe. Some things might go wrong, but that’s a part of life. It’s surmountable. It’s survivable. You are going to be okay but you need to take things one step at a time so you don’t overwhelm yourself.


This week, remember why you cut certain people out. Remember the ways they hurt you. They might have earned your forgiveness, but that doesn’t mean they’ve earned a second chance. You’re allowed to keep your distance, allowed to stand your ground.


This week, remember that not making a choice is also a choice. If you keep procrastinating, you could let golden opportunities pass you by, so think carefully. Choose carefully. Take control of your own life.


This week, accept that you could be wrong. That you don’t actually have all the answers. Listen to what others have to say and take their opinions into consideration. You never know what you might learn.


This week, remember that your words matter. Your opinion matters. Your voice has an impact when you choose to use it. So be careful with what you say–and be careful when you choose silence.


This week, go easy on yourself. Don’t punish yourself over every little mistake. Don’t dwell on your worst moments. You might have faults, but you have strengths too. Try to focus on those for a while.


This week, give yourself permission to dream big. Set your expectations high. Visualize success. The first step toward reaching your dreams is picturing them, believing that you have what it takes to achieve them.