Your Horoscope For The Week Of January 13 To January 20
Twenty20 / willduncan

Your Weekly Horoscope For January 13 – January 20


This week, give yourself permission to fail. Don’t let the thought of rejection stop you or slow you down. Chase after whatever you want because you’re never going to succeed by standing on the sidelines. You need to put yourself into the game and give yourself a fighting chance. It’s scary, but it’s worth it.


This week, give yourself permission to be selfish. Tell your partner or your friends where you want to go out to eat, what movie you want to watch, how you want to spend your time. Your feelings matter too, so it’s time you start stating your opinion instead of going with the flow and doing whatever others decide.


This week, give yourself permission to be lazy. If you want to wait until tomorrow to complete your chores, go for it. You have responsibilities, but that doesn’t mean you need to complete them all right this second. You can spread them out. You can rest when you feel tired instead of rushing around.


This week, give yourself permission to be petty. If someone hurts your feelings, you don’t have to forgive them. You don’t have to act like everything is fine. You’re allowed to be annoyed when someone crosses a boundary or insults you. Don’t give them a free pass, just because it’s easier to keep the peace.


This week, give yourself permission to relax. You’re not a machine. You’re not built to work twenty-four seven. You need to give yourself a break because you’re going to burn out if you keep up your impossible pace. Even though you want to keep going and going, your body needs rest. So does your mind.


This week, give yourself permission to be imperfect. Even though you’re a perfectionist, you aren’t always going to get it right. Sometimes, you’re going to make mistakes. You’re going to mess up. Remember, you’re always going to be a work in progress. You’ll never be complete — and you shouldn’t want to be because that means your growth would stop there.


This week, give yourself permission to grieve. You don’t have to keep continuing on as if everything is fine when you’re dying on the inside. You should let yourself cry. Let yourself talk about what’s wrong. Don’t bottle up these feelings because it’s only going to make your pain more intense. You need to get this out.


This week, give yourself permission to move on. Even though your heart is still aching, you can’t hold onto this pain forever. You can’t continue hating yourself and hating others. You need to let it go. You need to do your best to process it and move forward without what you had in the past. You can do it. You’re stronger than you realize.


This week, give yourself permission to walk away. You don’t always have to be the bigger person. You don’t have to extend forgiveness. If someone is treating you poorly, or a job is making you unhappy, walk away. You don’t have to stick it out. The door is right there.


This week, give yourself permission to have fun. Even though you’re a hard worker who takes their career and passions seriously, that doesn’t mean you should be working every second of every day. You need to have fun too. Joke. Play. Laugh. Relax. Don’t take yourself so serious all the time. 


This week, give yourself permission to try again. Just because things didn’t work out the first time, that doesn’t mean history will repeat itself. You might succeed this time around as long as you put in the effort. As long as you’re sure this is what you’re meant to do.


This week, give yourself permission to start over. Even though the last thing you want to do is change directions and start from scratch, sometimes it’s necessary. Sometimes, it’s exactly what you need. Don’t continue doing the wrong thing, simply because you’re already on that path. You can change paths at any point. It’s hard, but worthwhile.