Don’t Date These 4 Zodiacs Unless You’re Committed To Personal Growth
Thought Catalog Agency

Don’t Date These 4 Zodiacs Unless You’re Committed To Personal Growth

Some zodiacs will reach a place where they feel comfortable, then stop trying to advance themselves because where they’ve landed is good enough. But other signs believe that they are constantly a work in progress. They believe that there is always more learning and growing to do. Here are some zodiacs you shouldn’t date unless you’re committed to personal growth:


Leos have high expectations for themselves, their friends, and their partners. They aren’t going to let you squander your potential. They are going to push you to achieve your wildest dreams. They are going to be there to support you and cheer you on every step of the way, so you will never feel alone. With that being said, this sign won’t be thrilled if you refuse to take a chance on yourself, if you refuse to put yourself out there and give your dreams a fighting chance. Leos don’t need a partner who is wildly rich and successful, but they do need a partner who is determined and responsible, who has passions and goals. They need a partner who puts in as much effort as they do, inside and outside of the relationship.


Libras are a forgiving sign. They are willing to give out second chances — as long as you’re putting the effort into growing and changing for the better. This sign is incredibly kind, but they aren’t pushovers. They aren’t going to allow you to wrong them and get away with it, unless they see that you’re putting conscious effort into fixing your bad behaviors. Libras will be there for you if you’re serious about breaking bad habits and releasing your baggage because they see your potential. They know you have what it takes to succeed. But if you aren’t actually trying to change, if you are too stubborn to admit when you are wrong and too set in your ways to search for solutions, they won’t waste their time with you.


Aries are hard workers, so if they’re exhausting themselves every single day while you aren’t putting in any effort to reach your own goals, they might grow to resent you. They might have trouble relating to you. They might feel like they’re outgrowing you. This sign isn’t going to make you feel guilty about what you do with your time because that’s your decision and they wouldn’t want you judging them, but over time, this difference in work ethic could pull you in different directions.


Scorpios know that they are far from perfect, but they try their hardest to do the right thing. They try not to let their fears or their baggage get in the way of a healthy relationship. Since they’re willing to put in the effort to overcome their demons, they’re expecting you to do the same. They feel like the only way to have a thriving relationship is if both parties are trying their hardest to do their best, to become the best partner they can possibly be. They have high standards for their partners, but they always hold themselves to those same standards. It wouldn’t be fair otherwise.