What You’ll Love About Having Kids The Most, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
There are plenty of things that no one loves about having kids. Changing diapers and losing sleep are two things that spring immediately to mind. Seeing them suffer from the sniffles or being bullied by other kids are likewise unpleasant. Raising children can be arduous and painful, but if it was all bad, no one would have kids.
Because the stars and the planets align in a dizzyingly complex way, not everyone will experience parenthood the same way. But according to your astrological chart, here is what you will love the most about being a parent.
(March 21-April 19)
Because you are a natural-born leader, you want to be your kids’ life coach and guide them to victory after victory. But a coach is nothing without a plan—so you lay out for them a blueprint describing the precise difference between right and wrong. You’ll let them know the difference between being a dreamer and being impractical. You’ll distinguish between being disciplined and being joyless. And since you’re a good coach, you won’t let them get overconfident or lazy when they succeed, and you won’t be so hypercritical when they fail that they lose hope and give up.
(April 20-May 20)
You are so overjoyed at the fact that you’ve brought a new life into the world, you will find it impossible to resist sharing your joy with the entire world. You’ll love sharing pictures of your Little One with everyone, no matter if they want to see them or not. You’re the type of parent who clogs your social-media feeds with pictures of your kids’ first birthday, their first tooth, their first visit to the doctor, their first pet, and their first day at school. But you’ll also share their second, third, and fourth time doing all these things. And you won’t even care if others find it annoying, because your joy outweighs their annoyance.
(May 21-June 20)
Ruled by Mercury, you are a naturally good communicator. What you’ll value most about having children is teaching them not to make the same mistakes you’ve made. Because you are naturally a little obstinate, you forced yourself to learn things the hard way. But gradually, you learned. For your kid, you’d rather they not learn the hard way. You’d prefer that they go straight from childish innocence to age-old wisdom while they still have their youthful vitality. That way, they have more time to bask in the carefree happiness that you were denied merely because no one sat you down and told you how life really works.
(June 21-July 22)
The thing you’ll cherish most about having kids is seeing yourself in them. You’ll endlessly marvel at how they take after each parent not only in terms of facial features and physical attributes, but also in personality traits. Look at how the way they smile reminds you of how your favorite aunt smiles. Isn’t it amazing how much they enjoy playing practical jokes on people, just as your dad loved to do? What will bring you untold joy is the fact that whether or not you are a religious person, having a kid will bring you a certain level of immortality, because they are literally a reincarnation of yourself.
(July 23-Aug. 22)
Because the Lion is a fire sign ruled by the sun, you are fiercely protective as well as goal-oriented. You realize that the world is chaotic and dangerous. You agree with Socrates, who said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” You see no difference between an unexamined life and an unplanned life. Therefore, the thing you love most about having kids is setting goals for them and making sure they reach them. You try not to be too oppressive or overbearing, and you make it clear that love and protectiveness is what leads you to being strict. Although they may resent you at first, they’ll smile at you—and wave to you—every time they reach the finish line.
(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Since you’re an earth sign who is practical by nature, the thing you’ll love most about having kids is solving their problems and explaining the world to them. Sure, there will be a certain phase with every kid where they ask “Why?” about everything, and it can be slightly maddening to explain why bread gets darker when you put it in a toaster, but when you think about your own childhood, you were often left having to figure out these things for yourself. By being your kids’ teacher, you take joy in knowing that you’ve made life just a little bit easier for them.
(Sept. 23-Oct. 21)
For Libras, having kids will make you see the wisdom of the old saying, “’Tis far better to give than to receive.” Before becoming a parent, that quote made no sense to you—all other things being equal, isn’t it much better to get something than to give it away? But wait until you see their eyes light up when they open Christmas presents. Look at how they smile when you come home from a long day at work, give them a toy or a piece of their favorite candy, and say, “I got this because I was thinking about you.” Get them out of a financial jam in their early adulthood which may have ruined them if you hadn’t been around and able to help them—then you’ll realize why it’s better to give than to receive.
(Oct. 22-Nov. 21)
For you, Scorpio, the thing you’ll love most about having kids is that it allows you to reignite your own inner child. Adulthood can be drab, dreary, and demanding, and being constantly responsible can drain all the fun and wonder out of life. But having a kid gives you carte blanche to be silly and childlike again. You can do wacky faces and funny voices, and no one is going to call you immature. You can watch cartoons, play with Legos, and bring down all of the toys and children’s book from your attic again, and no one will think it’s the least bit strange. It sounds a little selfish, but it’s not. It’s for the benefit of both you and your kids.
(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
You are a fire sign, so you are dominant and protective by nature. The thing you’ll value the most from having children is the opportunity to defend them from bullies and anyone who wishes them harm. When one is a child, almost nothing seems as dangerous as it really is. It takes a wise, knowing, and protective parent to step in and teach a kid about the sort of habits, ideas, and people that can harm them. But you are also careful not to suffocate them—it’s not only important to fight for them, it’s more crucial to teach them how to fight for themselves.
(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Once they get past infancy and toddlerdom, the thing you’ll love most about having kids is that you’ll stop feeling so out-of-touch and antiquated. Through your kids, you’ll learn about how the world has changed since you were a kid. You’ll know about all the latest music, fashion trends, and slang. You’ll learn about what younger people consider “cool” and what they don’t—and especially the fact that they don’t use the word “cool” so much anymore. But this also goes both ways—you’ll be able to teach them about the movies, music, trends, and styles of the world that existed before they were born.
(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Because you and your kids represent two small dots in a long line of ancestors and descendants, becoming a parent will make you feel intimately connected to both your past and future. The struggles of parenthood will remind you that your ancestors struggled through millennia of hardships simply to produce you. Your child’s struggles, but especially their triumphs, will make you realize that one day you will also be remembered as a distant ancestor and that you played a hand in spinning the eternally glorious wheel of birth and death. As a result, a new sense of calm will wash all over you.
(Feb. 19-March 20)
The thing you’ll love the most—and it’ll come as a bit of a surprise at first—is how much your happiness and sadness directly correlates with theirs. If they’re feeling down, so will you. If they find something funny, so will you. Seeing them cry will make you sad, and seeing them laugh will make you smile. You will find yourself completely at the mercy of their mood swings, but it won’t feel as bad as it might sound. After all, your kids are merely a biological extension of you, a projection of your present self into the future. It makes perfect sense.