4 Zodiacs Who Wish They Cared Less About A Certain Ex
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4 Zodiacs Who Wish They Cared Less About A Certain Ex

Some zodiacs move on quickly. As soon as the relationship is over, they’ll cut contact with you and will have zero regrets about how it all ended. But other signs have trouble letting go and saying goodbye. To them, out of sight doesn’t necessarily mean out of mind. They’re still thinking about the people they used to be close with months (or even years) down the road. Here are the zodiacs who wish they cared less about a certain ex:


Libra, you know you’re a softie. You know you can be a little too forgiving at times and give others the benefit of the doubt when they don’t deserve it. After everything that your ex put you through, you should be over them by now. You should want nothing to do with them. But your heart and your head aren’t on the same page. You can’t stop thinking about this person, even though you logically know that there’s nothing to miss. They clearly aren’t your person. They were only temporary, and although you know that on some level, it’s hard to accept that they’re really gone for good.


Taurus, you have a bad habit of staying stuck in the past. You struggle to move forward because you can’t stop thinking about the good times you shared — and replaying the bad moments too, wondering where it all went wrong. You wish you could forget about a certain ex because the thoughts have only been bringing you heartache, but it’s hard for you to focus on the present or even the future. But you need to remember that the best times aren’t actually behind you. Good things are waiting around the corner. You’re going to find someone even better for you one day, and when you do, you are going to be thankful that your ex is an ex.


Leo, you know you have plenty of options. You know that you deserve better than your ex. But for some reason, you can’t stop thinking about them — and social media stalking them. You want assurance that you’ve won the breakup because you’re bitter about what they put you through. But you need to remember, it doesn’t matter what they’re doing right now. You need to focus on you and your own happiness. Stop making comparisons. Stop checking in on whether they’re miserable without you when you know you both deserve happiness and are going to have an easier time finding it without each other.


Pisces, you are a sensitive sign, so you aren’t shy about admitting how much you miss your ex. You talk about them to your friends constantly and think about them even more. Even though you know that you’re better off apart, you can’t stop yourself from wondering how they’re doing. You’ve even had the urge to reach out to them more than you’d like to admit. You wish you would stop caring about them but you aren’t able to turn your emotions off like a switch. You aren’t able to magically stop loving them. It’s going to take time. Healing is going to be a process. And that’s okay. Stay patient with yourself. You’ll get there eventually.