
3 Zodiac Signs Who Always Run Away From Heartbreak

Some of us go headlong into love. We lead with our hearts and will do anything to have the kind of epic romance we’ve always dreamed of. While it may open us up to the potential for heartbreak, it’s so worth it in the end. But not all zodiac signs agree. For the following three zodiac signs, love is terrifying because it can only mean one thing: The possibility of heartbreak. They’ll run from it at all costs, which means they’re often getting in their own way when it comes to romance. Are you one of these heartbreak-phobic signs?


There’s a reason why Aries tend to be the ones breaking hearts, rather than getting heartbroken. They use all sorts of trickery to avoid being the one to get hurt. They might end a relationship before it can ever get serious. Or they’ll try their best to feel as little as possible once the end of the relationship is near. That’s why they often get over breakups so quickly: They won’t let themselves have an open enough heart to really get hurt. Ultimately, it takes personal growth and bravery–something they normally have in other aspects of life–to finally be okay enough with the idea of heartbreak. Only then will they find their soulmate.


Geminis are notorious heartbreakers. They’re wild ones who thrive on chaos and will turn their personality on a dime if they feel in any way threatened. If you give any clue that you’re breaking up with them, they’ll say some of the worst things just to turn the tables. That’s left a whole sea of people who have negative associations with Geminis. But all that bravado, all that vitriol during a breakup, is just hiding their oversensitive and gooey centers. They do it not because they’re inherently bad, but because they want to hurt you before you can hurt them. They’ll do anything to avoid experiencing the heartbreak themselves. Does it make it okay? Not at all, but it’s certainly an explanation for the behavior.


Every heartbreak that a Scorpio goes through, the less likely they are to put their heart out there to get hurt again. And considering they were already hesitant to do that in the first place, it means they’re almost never willing to take that kind of risk. Scorpios are notoriously protective of themselves, rarely ever opening up. And every time a relationship fails, they use that as personal proof that they should never let people in. The amount of mental gymnastics that a Scorpio will go through to convince people–but mostly themselves–that they actually don’t need love at all is astounding and exhausting.