4 Zodiacs Who Are Finally Gaining The Courage To Go After What They Want
H Influencer Collective / Alivia Latimer

4 Zodiacs Who Are Finally Gaining The Courage To Go After What They Want

It’s not easy to chase after your dreams. There are so many excuses you can make to procrastinate until tomorrow, then the day after that. It takes a ton of courage in order to go out there and start working toward your goals. But here are the zodiacs who are finally gaining the courage to go after what they want this year:


There were moments when you second-guessed whether this was what you really wanted, when you let your doubts get the best of you and throw you off course, but you are finally growing courageous enough to chase after what you want. You know that the clock is ticking, so you don’t want to waste another second. You would rather risk rejection and say that you at least tried than spend the rest of your days wondering what would have happened if you took a chance on yourself. Although the fear hasn’t magically gone away, you are now brave enough to let it in. Brave enough to try anyway, to hell with the consequences.


Scorpio, you have always been a bit of a pessimist, and sometimes this has protected you. You have seen betrayal coming from a mile away. You have exited bad situations before they grew worse. And you should be proud of yourself for that. But as you’re growing older, you’re realizing that your pessimism can backfire on you too. It can cause you to push away people who mean well or fail to follow up on opportunities that could have been perfect for you. Moving forward, you have decided to chase after what you want, regardless of all the things that could go wrong. Yes, there’s always a chance things won’t work out, but there’s a chance that they could too.


Capricorn, you always have a plan. But actually taking the steps to accomplish that plan are another thing entirely. Since you’re such a perfectionist, you are known to procrastinate. You want to wait until the perfect moment so that everything falls into place perfectly — but you are finally learning perfect doesn’t exist. You can’t manufacture every little detail because you aren’t in complete control of situations. Not having all the power is scary, but it’s something you’re starting to accept. Even though you have no idea what the future will hold, you are gaining the courage to put yourself out there anyway.


Pisces, you are always the biggest cheerleader for your friends, family members, and partners. You give them pep talks whenever they’re feeling down about themselves because you believe in their potential — but you have never believed in yourself in that same way. Until now. You are slowly building your confidence so you can chase after what you want because you are tired of sitting on the sidelines. You have been the supportive friend for long enough. It’s time to switch roles and see how it feels when others encourage you and cheer you on. It’s time for them to be there for you the way you have always been there for them.