Jesse Herzog

What You Fall In Love With, Based On Your Zodiac


You fall in love with confidence and fearlessness. With someone who isn’t afraid to take risks. You’re attracted to boldness. Your heart gets stolen away by someone who constantly makes time with you feel like an adventure. Someone who never allows the relationship to stop feeling exciting. 


Comfort and consistency. You fall for someone who makes you feel safe and grounded. The ideal qualities in a partner for you are reliability and reciprocity. When someone always calls when they say they will, when someone keeps their promises, when someone shows you their love through actions and not words. You fall for trustworthiness.


Curiosity steals your heart. You find it incredibly irresistible in a lover. You fall in love with someone who is constantly looking for the answers to the weirdest of questions. With someone whose walls are lined with books. You fall in love through deep meaningful conversation about the unknown. With someone you can discuss the things you can’t with anyone else. 


Sensitivity is what you’ve always dreamed of in a partner. You fall in love with tenderness. With someone who is gentle with your heart. Someone who appreciates your labor of love and is equally devoted. Your heart melts when someone is nurturing and affectionate. It makes you feel emotionally secure. It makes you feel at home. 


You fall in love with generosity. With someone who is generous with their attention and affection. You fall in love with someone who spoils you rotten. Someone who always remembers the little things you said and then surprises you. Grand gestures, romance, and epic declarations of love know how to steal your heart away. You’re a sucker for that kind of devotion. 


Effort is incredibly attractive to you. You fall in love with someone who not only knows who they are, but who is constantly trying to better themselves. Someone who wants to excel in all aspects of life. You fall in love with someone who believes we should constantly push ourselves outside our comfort zones in order to evolve.


You fall in love with charisma and diplomacy. You strive for harmony and balance in all things, Libra. You can’t help but melt when someone also values these things. You’re also a sucker for charm. Someone who you can have witty banter with, caring words, flirtation, and playfulness. 


You fall in love through a smoldering look. A graze on the knee. A hand that lingers on the small of your waist for too long. You fall in love with someone you have intense physical chemistry with. You believe that sexual compatibility is just as important as trust and loyalty in a relationship. When the tension is palpable, you can’t help but become enamored. 


You fall in love with intelligence and open-mindedness. Your dream partner is someone acquainted with the intellectual side of life. Someone who is constantly looking to expand their mind. You find the thirst for knowledge incredibly sexy. As a Sag, you’re magnetically drawn to the curious. Someone who wants to explore everything the world has to teach them. 


You’re drawn to ambition, hard work, and independence. You fall in love with someone who has clear, concise ideas about the future they want to build for themselves. With someone who knows exactly what they want out of a relationship. Your heart gets stolen by someone you know you could succeed and grow together with. 


You fall in love with their quirks and the little things. The way they don’t believe in opening an umbrella indoors. The disgusting way they take their coffee. Their loud snoring. You fall in love with them for their interests, even if they’re so unalike from yours. Your heart gets stolen by all the weird details that make them who they are. 


Emotional expression. You find someone who isn’t afraid to talk about their feelings incredibly irresistible. Someone who is unashamed to let their guard down in front of you. You fall in love with vulnerability. With a soft and open heart. Your heart gets stolen by someone who knows how to love as hard as you do.