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3 Zodiac Signs Who Always Wait For The Wrong Person To Change


Leo, you fall hard during the courting phase and honeymoon stage of every relationship. Grand romance steals your heart and in some cases, your better sense. You get swept away with how they make you feel in the beginning—like you’re the only person in the world. They persuaded you with their seeming devotion, big displays of affection, and sweet words. This person saw through to the insecurities you keep hidden from the world and stroked your ego in all the right ways. They recognized you as powerful, deep, and beautiful—all the things you’ve doubted of yourself in your darkest moments. Once they “won the prize” that is you, their demeanor changed. 

After being persuaded to open up and let them in, they repaid you by using your self-perceived weaknesses against you. They began pulling away and making you feel every bit powerless. You were made to believe they were looking for real commitment—that they were the partner you always dreamed of for yourself. Deep down you know they were never that person, but you hang on because you can’t let go of the way they made you feel at the start. You’re an optimist at heart, so you hope they’ll revert to the person you fell in love with. You let your ego steer your will, but it can’t magically transform you into someone worthy of your time and love. 


Your zodiac sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, and is associated with the seventh house of partnership. Romance is a priority to you—you may like to have fun, but you want more than anything to find “the one”. You feel most balanced and at peace when you’re in a relationship, which makes you easily susceptible to romanticizing one that is not healthy. You ignore all the ways someone is wrong or toxic for you because you’re so in love with the idea of being in love. You’ve fixated on a relationship’s potential and on the idea of someone who doesn’t exist. The person you keep waiting on to emotionally fulfill you and provide you with the emotional security you crave is never going to give it to you. Deep down, you know this, or you wouldn’t keep swallowing your needs and desires in order to keep the peace. 

You’ve become a version of yourself that you can no longer recognize because you live in constant fear of disappointing someone who mistreats you. If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll realize that you keep rationalizing away their behavior and gaslighting yourself. You’ve become agreeable out of fear of longer being part of a “we.” This isn’t the loving relationship you’ve always tried manifesting for yourself, it’s an unhealthy one where you have to walk on eggshells—one that has robbed you of your power. You’ve allowed yourself to self-identify in a relationship with someone who knows how to say all the right things but never follows through with action. Stop waiting for them to be the partner you need, and get back out there and find the right one. 


You’ve conjured up your dream lover and once-in-a-lifetime romance in your head since you were a small child. Because you’re ruled by dreamy Neptune, it’s easy for you to hang on to the fantasy of a relationship and fail to recognize its dangers. It’s your strength of being able to see the best and beauty in others that becomes your Achilles’ heel. You’re a hopeless romantic who gets swept up by grand ideas of love, so you easily overlook a potential suitor’s or partner’s shortcomings. In the beginning, you failed to see their love bombing for what it was, believing in their best intentions. Now that they’ve made it into your inner circle—and most importantly, your heart—there’s nothing you won’t do to keep them there. 

You’ve convinced yourself that this person is your soulmate—that no one before them or after them could ever come close. You’ve convinced yourself into believing that they’re it for you. But you’ve looked for love in all the wrong places before, Pisces, and this is just another. You keep telling yourself things will go back to the way they were in the beginning, that you can fix them, and that your love has the power to heal. It’s not your responsibility, Pisces, but it is your responsibility to know when it’s time to walk away from someone who only brings you pain. They made you feel seen when you first met them. As someone who struggles with being misunderstood, this made a deep impact on you, but they don’t see you, Pisces, or else they wouldn’t constantly make you feel like you’re “too much.” As much as it may hurt now, you have to stop waiting for this dark story to become a fairy tale.