4 Zodiacs Who Have To Find Their Own Answers On November 6
Leo needs to figure out their own way out of a social mess today. Everyone is way too biased about the whole ordeal, which means Leo can’t go to anyone for advice. They need to dig deep and use their own moral compass to figure out which side they need to take, and how much they should reasonably be involved. Sometimes the right answer is just keeping your mouth shut and letting two people fight their own battles. Sometimes doing nothing adds to someone’s suffering undeservedly. Today’s the day a popularity contest or a group vote won’t get you the answers to the problem. You have to consult your own gut and make a decision that’s entirely your call.
Taurus needs to figure out their own priorities today. Until they win the lottery, the luxury lifestyle they’re looking for can’t be a floor to ceiling reality, so they’re going to have to make some tough calls. Will they splurge on a new car or a summer vacation? Eat at the newest restaurants or invest in a high end bag or piece of luggage? Everyone is different. You could give a million people a million dollars, and they would each spend it according to their own whims. This is one area where Taurus can’t just follow the trend of the moment, because there is a trend for everything. It’s going to come down to what they value most versus any price tag or cultural credibility. For once it’s about what brings them the most happiness.
Sagittarius needs to figure out their own problem today. That means doing their homework, reading the room, devising a plan, and executing it without any training wheels or manager oversight or practice runs ahead of schedule. Sometimes you just have to get your hands dirty, make a judgment call, and give it your best shot. And if you end up having to adapt as you go, that’s okay. In and of itself that is a critical part of problem solving. You’re not meant to get it right on the first try, or it wouldn’t be worth calling a problem. Save that for daily chores like scrubbing a toilet. Even though the issue before you feels like something you can’t handle, the truth is you’re absolutely ready to do this on your own.
No one can tell you how you feel, Pisces. There is no magic eight ball, no therapist, no AI Spotify DJ who can answer life’s most pressing questions. No one can tell you whether you’re falling in love, whether you’re getting over your grief, or whether you’re happy with the direction your life is going. You have to seek out those answers one by one by giving yourself space to hear and feel your own emotions and get in touch with what they’re trying to tell you. Maybe it helps to talk to someone. Maybe it helps to write things down, to doodle, to transform the illusive into something tangible. No matter what works for you, you’re the one who has to do the work.