Igor Rand

Why You Keep Getting Stuck In Almost Relationships, Based On Your Birth Month

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You keep ending up in almost relationships because you aren’t sure how to turn them into more. You aren’t sure what you’re supposed to be doing differently in order to make someone want to move from being casual to being official. So you tell yourself this is good enough until you can figure it out.


You keep ending up in almost relationships because you have hope things will change in the future. You believe that this person will date you if you are nice enough, if you treat them well enough. But you can’t make them love you. You can’t force them to change their mind.


You keep ending up in almost relationships because you would rather settle for half of someone’s heart than remain entirely single. You are uncomfortable alone. But you need to remember, being single isn’t so bad. It’s better than settling for less than you deserve.


You keep ending up in almost relationships because you are hesitant to ask for what you really want deep down. Even though you are interested in a committed relationship, you’re scared to admit that out loud. You’re scared to voice your feelings in case they don’t feel the same.


You keep ending up in almost relationships because you are non-confrontational. You don’t want to put your foot down and demand that they put a label on the relationship. You don’t want to risk losing them by telling them that they need to give you what you want or walk away.


You keep ending up in almost relationships because you keep falling for the same type of people. People who blatantly state that they aren’t interested in anything serious right now. People who are bound to break your heart eventually.


You keep ending up in almost relationships because you’re a people-pleaser. You’re more likely to give others what they want (a casual relationship) than ask for what you want (a serious relationship). You give and give without worrying about how much this person is draining you emotionally.


You keep ending up in almost relationships because you aren’t stating your real intentions. You aren’t being honest about what you want from a relationship. You’re going with the flow and allowing others to set the rules instead of establishing a set of expectations that work for you.


You keep ending up in almost relationships because you’re scared to let down your walls. You’ve convinced yourself that this arrangement is good enough because you aren’t sure whether you’re ready for more yet.


You keep ending up in almost relationships because you keep giving the benefit of the doubt. You see the good in others and assume that they’ll do the right thing eventually, that they’ll see your worth and decide to date you. Your optimism gets the best of you and you fall for people who don’t deserve you.


You keep ending up in almost relationships because you struggle with self-confidence. You aren’t entirely convinced that you are worthy of love, so you don’t ask for it. You settle for what you can get because you assume it’s impossible to achieve more. You think way too little of yourself.


You keep ending up in almost relationships because you are too nice. You are too forgiving. You give out too many chances. You assume that others have your best interest at heart, even when they’ve proven that isn’t the case, and you end up with your heart broken again and again.