Andrea Piacquadio

4 Zodiacs About To Reach A New Level Of Hustle In April


You’re about to have the ‘glow up’ you’ve been waiting for, Virgo. You’ve been grinding away at your dreams, but this month you gain access to more funds, more resources, new connections that elevate your efforts to a whole other level. From indy film to blockbuster premiere. From blog to byline. From side hustle to LLC. You are coming into your own, and those years of scraping by, staying up late, squeezing in time for your dreams is finally paying off. The skills you developed during that time are finally ready to be put on display for the world in the way you always imagined. The things you just barely managed to wish for will become your current reality, and you just need to make sure you hang onto that version of yourself who was willing to do it all for fun in the beginning.


You are going to thrive under pressure this month Cancer. You’re usually pretty even keeled, baking in plenty of time to finish your projects, but an opportunity falls into your lap that is going to have you burning the midnight oil. It’s natural to freak out in the face of stressful circumstances, but try to remove yourself from the moment and think about how you will one day look back at this event with envy. There are only so many moments in our lives that truly test us, so try to soak up the excitement of getting to push and prove yourself. To see just what you’re made of. Temporary pressure has a way of polishing the raw talent inside of us, Cancer, so let it take you to that next level. Put out a final product that is at a quality you’ve never delivered before. Surprise yourself.


You like to be prepared, Aries, to have all of the ingredients, to read all the instructions, to meet all the requirements on the job description, but this month you will be tossed into the center of a rodeo without any riding experience. You will have to draw upon all of your other skills and experiences to navigate this completely new territory, and to come out on top despite your lack of expertise. Channel your inner Beyoncé and make that genre shift. You don’t need an official invitation to conquer the unknown. Just show up and disrupt the space by doing things your own way. Innovate. Experiment. Learn by making mistakes. You will grow and stretch your abilities in ways you never dreamt possible. The results will be the ones you are proudest of.


Your hustle is about to require so much more time than you’ve ever dedicated to this pursuit, Scorpio, but don’t be afraid to go all in. That shift, from side gig to full time is a terrifying one, but you just have to believe that you have what it takes to create that sense of stability that makes your safety nets unnecessary moving forward. The training wheels are ready to come off, and you know how steer this thing on your own. You will need to learn how to shift your mindset in a way where your hobby becomes a serious pursuit, and give it the time and responsibility it deserves, but it will all be worth it in the end. The alternative is letting this opportunity pass you by, and you’d never live with yourself if you did.