This Is The Truth You Keep Ignoring, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot
Your Card: Temperance, reversed
You’re behaving in reckless ways, Aries. It’s not a matter of living your best lift, but one of turbulence, impulsiveness, and excess. Your harmful indulgences have a root cause and you won’t be able to find harmony and balance until you pause, reflect, and acknowledge what drives your actions. Those extreme emotions that you’re keeping locked away cannot be ignored. The truth is that you have emotional wounds to heal from.
Your Card: Ace of Wands
You keep ignoring the truth of your inner fire and creative potential, and it’s closing you off from a world full of opportunities. The Ace of Wands urges you to dedicate your energy into pushing your passions further. You have a real chance for success, but you’re not honoring your inspiration. Let go of self-doubt, Taurus. You’re afraid of change, even the good kind—release that fear.
Your Card: Ten of Wands, reversed
You can’t keep ignoring that you’re on the brink of collapse, Gemini. You’re so close to burning out. The heaviness of your responsibilities has become too much to bear. You need to prioritize the things that are truly important to you and cut out the rest. It would also benefit you to delegate or reach out to someone trusted for help.
Your Card: King of Swords, reversed
There’s someone close to you who doesn’t honor you, your wants, your needs, or your boundaries. They have a complete lack of respect for you. Often, they speak and act without considering your feelings. This person is manipulative and dishonest, and they never feel sorry for their behavior. The way they treat you makes you feel powerless. This isn’t someone you should have in your life and you can’t keep ignoring how toxic they are for you.
Your Card: Wheel of Fortune, reversed
You’re ignoring the truth of your destiny by remaining so resistant to change, Leo. You can’t let self-doubt or setbacks discourage you from following your path. Sometimes it’s the biggest upheavals that lead us to the things that are truly meant for us. Things feel out of your control at this moment, and it’s terrifying, but it’s for your highest good.
Your Card: The Hanged Man
You’re ignoring your stagnation and playing too much into your indecision and self-doubt. The reason you’re so confined is because you’re refusing to surrender or change your perspective. You can’t control everything, sometimes you need to just act even if it leads you to making mistakes. Just give yourself over to the situation one way or another. It might be uncomfortable but it can lead you to some unexpected and welcome surprises.
Your Card: The Chariot, reversed
You’re ignoring your doubts and fears. If you want to move forward, then you have to confront them. You have to acknowledge your blockages if you want to be successful in overcoming them. Right now you’re in a place where you desperately are in need of regaining your drive and determination. Reflect on what’s stopping you. Let go of old beliefs, desires, and practices that no longer align with you.
Your Card: Seven of Pentacles
You’re becoming impatient when it comes to achieving your goals and attaining your desires. The truth you keep ignoring is that progress takes time. You’re at a point currently where it would benefit you to pause and assess the results of your efforts. Be proud of how far you’ve come, Scorpio, and stop being so hard on yourself. You’re building something truly meaningful, and it’s not going to be quick or easy.
Your Card: Two of Wands, reversed
You’re ignoring finer details associated with creating your future and achieving your goals. The reversal of the Two of Wands urges you to act and take a risk. It can also signify that your romantic interest feels uncertain about moving forward with you. Deep down, you know that you two aren’t on the same page. All the hope in the world isn’t going to change their minds. You deserve someone who feels sure about being with you.
Your Card: Two of Swords, reversed
The truth you’re ignoring is that you’re avoiding decision-making of any kind. You’re allowing anxiety and fear to overwhelm you to the point of indecision and inaction. Right now you feel like no matter which way you move it may be the wrong move. You can’t overthink your way to a solution, Capricorn. You just have to do something. Slow down and listen to your inner voice. You have all the answers.
Your Card: The Lovers
You’re ignoring what your heart is telling you and letting yourself be guided by what your mind deems as “right” or “safe.” Don’t go for what feels like the easy road, but go in the direction that your soul is telling you. What truly fulfills you, Aquarius? What brings you joy? What aligns with your true desires?
Your Card: Page of Cups, reversed
You’re ignoring your intuition and messages that the universe is placing in your path. Stop neglecting your inner wisdom. It’s leading to a block in your creativity and causing you to avoid the depth of your emotions. It’s time to take a break and allow yourself to really feel things and think them through. Trust your instincts, Pisces, and listen to what your heart is whispering.